

Little Things That Aren't Little
I still remember that hot afternoon in April. My manager and I were riding on Mavoor Road in Kozhikode

We stumbled upon a man fixing the chain of his bicycle near the bus stand. My manager was riding the bike. Observing this man, my manager immediately parked the bike and approached the man. Within seconds, he began to fix the chain after offering the man a bottle of mineral water. Seeing his selfless effort, I immediately walked over and lent my hand. Soon, the chain was fixed. The man thanked my manager with a smile and a few thankful words before leaving.

My manager's hands had patches of black grease marks. He walked to the nearby restaurant and came out after cleaning his hands.

Looking at me, he gave me a good smile, which answered all my questions.

Indeed, little things, after all, aren't little!

© Krishnan
#selfless #helpingothers #helping #life #reallife