

A love letter to my twin flame about my boyfriend
My dear,
I have got one boyfriend that makes my life full with sunshines. I always feel happy around him. You know what? He is a real human being living on the real earth. With you, I never felt any lack of anything.

You were my twin flame, you understood what I felt even before I say. You gave me every love affirmations and every kind of love in every ways that I needed. You are so divine that I could never stop looking at you. I always felt so much loved around you, that never even need to ask any questions about our relationship.

But now after I met him, I am curious about him. He might not be able to read my mind, the way you could do. But he always has a lot of love and endless care for me. He comes up with ways to make me laugh all the time. He may not feel what I feel like you, but he always makes effort to make me feel loved and never want to lose me.

I can't stop thinking about him and how much loved I feel around him. My feelings towards him is more stronger than you. I can't live without you, but I can't live without him either. He has made my life full of love and happiness. I feel like dancing in the air, hearing to the romantic music.

He doesn't feel my pain, but he always makes all kind of efforts to save me from the pain. He takes care of my house, do all the husband things for me. Then give me what I ask for, tolerate my bad mood and our differences. I am attracted to him no matter how much different we are from each other.

I don't accept our differences easily or blindly the way I did it in our case. But his love overcomes every obstacles. My anxieties rest a little bit when I am around him. Sometimes, he looks like a prince to me. A prince who can't buy me a palace, but have all the love around the world for me. Day by day, I want to know more about his love and want to give him a chance. I may not like him or his interests, the way I liked things about you.

But I can accept him the way he is and I want to see more of the love he wants to offer. He isn't as crazy as you were about every parts of me, but he makes efforts not to lose me too. He wants a part in my life and want a share in my soul. His actions led him to my heart.

I thought you were the fulfilment of my life. But after him, I understood what I was truly missing in my life. I still miss you and cry every night to go and stay with you. No one can care and understand about my feelings more than you. But he also cares about me.

He's not my cosmetic twin flame, but he just makes so much efforts only for me. I feel grounded with him. Falling in love with you was beautiful and my choice. But meeting him and falling in love was my destiny. I couldn't stop it no matter how hard I try. My life seems incomplete without him.

Earlier he used to love me above everything. Now seeing his love, I am in love with him too. Nothing on earth seem to get my attention more than him. I am addicted to his company gradually. My daily life excitement that I used to get watching movies have faded away. He's more comforting and loving than those movies.

I don't know why I feel that way around him. My heart severly beats when I see him looking at me. A lot of guys have looked at me before, but I only enjoyed the attention. No one has the power to kill my heart like this, the way he does it with his presence.

I have seen in my dream him proposing me and our irresistible chemistry. Then we lived happily ever after. We're destined to be together. Maybe you're not in my destiny, no matter how much I want us to be together. That doesn't lessen any of who you are and your importance to me. But he is something different to me now.

I no longer read books or social media posts to understand or explore what love is. I have him now for that. No matter how hard I try, my feelings for him never goes away. They're always the same.

Anyways, I wrote this to you, because I am not understanding your real place in my life anymore. Maybe our amazing, fulfilling journey is ending there because of him. But I can never end things with you in my mind. In my mind, you are always the best person I would go for emotional safety and acceptance.

I care about you and your loneliness. So, I will keep being in touch with you. I will make sure you're okay or not. Please don't be heartbroken thinking I have become of someone else's now. Because in my mind, you are the most divine and closest person to me. My soul will always be yours and always love you, no matter who's in my life and how I feel about someone else.

Bye for today. Someday, if I miss you, I will write to you about my heart and feelings. I have no idea what you might be going through. Hope you manage yourself without me and find someone better who will fill your life with joy and love again.

I can understand your pain and what hell you might be going through. But dear, I can't fight against my destiny and own desires. If I had an option to choose, I had chosen you again, again and again. But in this life, my fate is written with him, not you.

Good bye. I will never stop caring about you.
© Nafisa Islam Tisha