

The Shadow Haunter


The Unknown Feeling

As the sun began to set over the horizon, casting a warm golden glow across the serene park, I found myself walking alone along a secluded path lined with tall trees.

The rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze created a peaceful atmosphere, but suddenly, I felt a strange sense of unease wash over me.

Glancing around nervously, I noticed a figure lingering in the shadows, watching me intently.

My heart raced as I realized that I was being followed by the kitty cat, a stalker whose intentions were to attain me. Fear gripped me as I quickened my pace, the sound of my own footsteps echoing in the quiet evening.

The feeling of being pursued sent shivers down my spine, and I struggled to keep my composure as I made my way towards a nearby bench where Danya was waiting.

Breathless and trembling, I recounted the harrowing encounter to Danya, my voice quivering with fear.

I described the chilling sensation of being watched, the sense of being hunted by someone I couldn't see but could feel lurking in the shadows.

Danya listened attentively, her eyes wide with concern as I detailed the unsettling experience.

As we sat in the fading light, I couldn't shake the inexplicable feeling that had gripped my heart, a mix of fear, vulnerability, and an unknown feeling that makes me a little happy.

While we were sitting together, I whispered in Danya's ears to check where the Kitty cat is hiding.

She looked around without being watched by the Kitty cat.

Suddenly, I received a message from an anonymous person.

Anonymous: "Hey there little mouse, I can see your friend trying to catch me where I am hiding, but that's impossible. I now understand that you are also eagerly waiting for me to meet you. Just accept your feelings towards me. I know that you fell in love with me at first sight".

As seeing this message I know that Kitty cat is the one who messaged me. By seeing this message my heart beats fast from excitement. But after reading the last sentence " I know that you had fell in love with me at first sight ". I was like "who fell in love with whom'.

I replied back: " Who said I fell in love with you at first sight, you stalker. Where are you right now".

The Unknown Feeling continued to swirl inside me as I waited for a response from the mysterious Kitty cat.

Despite the fear and uncertainty of being followed, there was also an undeniable sense of intrigue and curiosity that bubbled within me.

Who was this person, and why were they so fixated on me? Minutes passed before another message popped up on my phone.

Anonymous: " I am always closer than you think. Just follow your heart, and you will find me waiting for you."

My heart skipped a beat as I read those words, and a rush of emotions flooded through me.

It was a strange and unfamiliar feeling, one that I couldn't quite put into words. Was it excitement? Anticipation? Or maybe even a hint of attraction?

Danya noticed the change in my demeanor and asked me what was going on.

I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to explain the conflicting emotions that were swirling inside me.

But then, I took a deep breath and confessed everything to her - the fear of being followed, the mysterious messages, and the unknown feeling that had taken root in my heart.


To my surprise, Danya didn't judge me or dismiss my feelings. Instead, she listened with a compassionate ear and offered her support.

Together, we decided to confront the Kitty cat and get to the bottom of the situation once and for all.

With newfound courage, I sent a reply to the anonymous sender, asking him to reveal himself.

And just like that, the Kitty cat emerged from the shadows, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

As we stood face to face, I couldn't deny the undeniable spark that crackled between us.

The unknown feeling that had gripped my heart was finally revealed - it was love, pure and simple. And in that moment, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the park fell quiet around us, I knew that my encounter with the Kitty cat was just the beginning of a beautiful love story.

A love story born out of fear, curiosity, and the mysterious unknown feeling that had brought us together.


© Shafiya