

My mystery Ch1( part 5)
Jim and Marco are in the gaming world. Where Jim is excited to play games, Marco on the other hand is trying to stay alert for any possible upcoming dangers ahead.

Now they went in, it was shocking but there was not much of a crowd which they could have seen in any other weekends, something was definitely strange. They went in the manager's office and asked him did something was left at the arcade in last weekend. The manager thinks for sometime and said " let me look at the lost and found locker, wait here kids until then or you could play some games until I return, I will ring you the bell on my return, okey ".
Marco and Jim looked at each other for sometime and then Marco said " we will wait here it won't take too much time will it?"
The manager said " no ,'
" ok then wait here until my return ".
They were both in the office and than suddenly heard the sound of lightning, both got frightened a little but pull themselves together.
Marco said " it don't looks like we could stay and play here for now, electricity connection will be weakened or maybe lost for sometime".
In which Jim said " ok let's get our stuff and we will head back home".
Some time passed and the manager came inside the office and show them the box of lost and found things in it.
he said, " I don't know if anything was yours or not just take a look if something looks familiar to you "
Jim and Marco nodded and started rumbling in the box when they didn't found anythings that's there they just turned the whole box upside down and then after scattering they found a key which seem familiar to them but there was a small fish skeleton structure kind of thing attached to it along with the red skulled key chain .

Marco was confused and then Jim suddenly said "ohh it was my keys to the locker, I didn't thought about it cause I have the duplicate key" Marco nodded but then continuing Jim said again "but this skeleton keychain is not mine".
Marco got more confused but didn't think about it much and thanked the manager and we're going to move out from the area, when suddenly rain started and it was pouring rain .So they thought to stay until the rain stops.
Where Marco was anxious Jim started to look for something fun to play and started gaming when suddenly the lights went off . Jim were like " ohh shoot I was going to score this time".
Jim and Marco now both sitting inside the gaming station for the rain to stop or atleast slow down a little bit so they could move out from that place cause everything that was happening wasn't so good situation.
They just wants to get out from that gaming station as soon as possible cause there were just 7-8 people there including the Manager .
Jim didn't notice but there was 2 guys who were constantly looking at there direction discretely, Marco noticed them for half an hour now and was just rambling nonsense, like about h.w.,games, comics etc. Just to get those eyes off of them, cause Marco recognised them from the fishman district they visited last weekend.
Jim was at ease for now and continuing the chat as Marco was talking about different topics. Jim out of curiosity asked Marco, 'hey do you think we are safe here for now '( in a hushed voice ).

Marco just nodded in kind of confusing way the rain was coming to a stop now and they both move out as not to gain more attention of those men . But as soon as they reached where they parked their bikes they came face to face with a lady probably in her late 50s but still looking good, due to her attire( a long black half sleeved gown with an overcoat, a black hat, black sunglasses and black boots with a black handpurse) .
She stopped them and asked 'hey do you guys happened to know where the old fisherman district, you know from where people moved out some years ago?'
Marco and Jim's both of there eyes both get larger due to the fear engulf them.
The lady again said' seems like I hit the right spot 'moving further towards them' now tell me where it is ' now bending to there level ' and what did you see there and only the truth'.
By now Jim and Marco both were sweating and scared as hell . Marco gathering the courage told' We don't know what are you talking about mam' in fear .
The lady snapped at him and stared him intensly and asked once more ' Listen if you aren't going to tell the truth better not say anything, I just want to hear the truth from you both otherwise it won't be other day you live on this earth boys.
Now speak the truth and the absolute truth and if possible I may let you both slip just this one time'
This time Jim said " we just went there out of curiosity of what happened after we all left that area', and ' and we were just looking around when we saw some men sitting on a wooden block and there were thumping sound coming from the old storage container there after that we just ran home to save ourselves'. Marco was in dismay but he himself can't think of anything else in this situation.
The lady again asked looking at Marco for a sec and then turning to Jim ' Did you tell anything about it to anyone'
Jim stuttered this time ' n..no we decided to keep this think between us or better to forget about it '
The lady smiled and said ' You boys are smart, good think you thought this earlier' Now you can go.

She stand up and did some sign with her head like 'okey' and when they both looked behind them, 2 men were hovering behind them but they didn't do anything to them and just moved out of there,. The lady before moving out of the scene said 'Do what you both decided earlier my men would always keeping an eye on both of you, if I notice a slight mistake from your side just think about the consequences, you heard the noice from the vaults right and merry Christmas bothe of you, bye ', saying this she turned around and went away.
Marco and Jim now totally in shock and in a scared stage they just took there bikes and ran towards their home as fast as possible, after reaching they just barged into Jim's house they were panting so hard and lied on the floor.
Jim's mom hurried to the main door listening to the loud noise when she saw them both drenched in rain and panting heavily.

Ok I know I would post it on 5th but I got busy with other stuffs and here it is the 5th part of the 1st chapter, it would also have a 6th part and then 2nd chapter of this book is going to start,
Don't ask me for any spoilers as I myself don't know what I am going to write futher ok .
For the timeline yeah it is still still mid 20s like nearly 1960s so somethings would not make a lot of sense since I am a gen z child but I am trying and I am new to this field so do tell me my faults or any advice from fellow writers would delight me .
So enjoy this part and for futher updated tap the bell icon and keep an eye on my nimble and quote area I would give updates from now on okey dokey
happy reading ✌🏻😁



© Payal Nahak