

When in doubt, Pray!
"But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him." Jeremiah 17:7 NIV

"Lord, I may not get what I hoped for but I will still trust in Your timing. People have doubts, but for You I'm always enough. For I know Your plans are greater than mine. And You are just preparing me for something better. Father, please help me not to hold grudges against anyone. Clear my mind not to question my abilities. But instead give me a loving and kind heart to accept and understand. Give me strength and wisdom to improve myself and to take every criticism as a challenge. I won't worry for tomorrow because I know You're there. In Jesus name I pray, Amen"

I prayed this during the time I almost gave up on my work. When I feel I wasn't good enough and everything doesn't fall to it's place. I still remember myself crying while I'm on my way home. It's such a hard time that I have no one else to call but God.

For once we all feel alone, discouraged, and unworthy. We question our abilities and effectiveness in everything that we do. We compare the life we have from what we see in the world. We always look for something that can satisfy us from within. We even asked for more and never notice the great things we had. We try to solve problems using our own strength and ability.

But at the end, we often fail! We never find happiness and contentment. And it leave us exhausted and hopeless. We never realized that there's someone who is bigger than our fear and problem. We forgot to call Him everytime and often depend to ourselves. We never realize that He has control over our life and how powerful He is.

We must seek and obey His will and call upon Him. Because He will be faithful to His promises. He can uplift our spirit and binds up our soul. He will always believe in us even if we lose our faith in ourselves. If we depend more to God we can fulfill the life He wants us to live. And surely, breakthrough and success will come upon us. ❤❤❤