

The Wake up call P.1
( A premeditated homicide story)

After a night spent examining into the dark stories of true crimes within the courtroom, I found myself craving even a brief respite of sleep, a mere two hours would suffice.

A quick glance at my emails confirmed no urgent requests for legal representation, prompting me to leap into bed.

I stretched out, seeking a comfortable position for a short slumber, when suddenly my phone began to tremble with vibration.

The clock read 3:30 am, and I pondered the two elusive hours spent in pursuit of restful sleep.

I silenced the insistent buzz of my alarm, intent on returning to bed, but just as sleep was within reach, the phone erupted into a cacophony of rings. "Who could it be?" I wondered, irritation mingling with curiosity.

It was too late; my peace was thoroughly shattered.

Barely conscious, I managed to utter a groggy "hello..."

To be continued...

© Atty. Catherine S. Pariño. 2024. All Rights Reserved