

Bipolar Legend
The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror.
I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end.

I closed my eyes.

As I opened my eyes,I saw her running,a beautiful young girl whose face was hidden in the veils of her curly hair.Running as if even breath couldn't reach her.I followed her,back the way from where I came.She thrashed the door of my room.She jumped into my bed with a thud.I jumped after her.

Suddenly a bunch of nurses caught me.The girl ran away,again.I tried to break the trap of nurses,but I failed terribly.As I somehow slipped from their mighty hands,she faded into a distant realm in the hospital corridor.I tried my best to catch her,I rushed through stairs,where I was confronted by a fierce fat hospital security.He pulled me back as I whizzed past his scary whiskers.I was manhandled in the verandah,as I leaped to see the girl.

The girl was nowhere.The hospital workers injected something onto my spine.The footsteps returned.They were there,behind me.Trying to catch me.

The voice of doctor ringed in my grey matter.
"This is a clear,rare case of bipolar,paranoia and delusion.She's not normal."

A medical student,who carried a form with my photo on it jotted down his teachers words..He looked at me,amused.The girl on the photo,..I remember seeing her somewhere.I thought about her.

The footsteps faded.She laughed from the other side of corridor.I used my entire force to reach her,as she ran away once again.

I hate her speed,its awesome to follow her speed.