

Energy boosters
Whenever I am down , I just sit and ponder .Somewhat some magic lines utter from inside ..."the best is yet to come ."It really catches my mind and let's me get a sigh of relief ,makes me ponder and wonder to the wonderland of my best days of my life .It really captivates me and has the power to give me a positive kickback.Just feel the punch of it instead of sitting in a corner with the worn out face .Just focus and flash back to the happier sides of life which helps to forget all the negative inswings that tries to hit hard at you .Revive your best spirits and move yourself to a circle that radiates the essence of your good being.Its just like a ray of sunshine that even the darkest rooms lights up with its energy .Life is a generation of energy ,the energy creates wonders in you and brings in a change ...just feel the difference.
© Jitu Chetry