

Skip and Milton are out of this world (part 2)
On the run

Empty pickle jars litter the apartment. Milton and skip lay on the sofa fully satisfied with their gluttony. Skips stomach stretches over his belt line. "Something about pickled eggs is just so delightful, what a treat" Milton smirks looking over at Skip as he is half way in a coma. " Milton, you aren't real. You are just a figment of my imagination stemming from my hyperextended anxiety. Dr. Kru sa-" Milton stands up in frustration. "Dr. Kru? Dr. Kru? The man is shaped like a a potato, he is nothing but a quack." Skip stumbles to his feet and tosses an empty pickle jar at Milton. " You are an orangutan wearing a black suit that doesn't fit and sneakers, that shows up and eats all my pickled eggs. You are not real I am just losing my mind and you are a coping mechanism" " Skip, I just caught this jar. This very real jar, your cat just jumped inside of your worm on a stick guy and climed out of his mouth. I hate to break it to you but this is all real and your doctor is trash."

Three knocks at the door echo through the apartment. Skip peeps out of the window and sees two men in black suits with matching black hats and glasses standing on the stoop. " I think its the cops. They are probably wanting to ask questions about Mr Wan. I'm so screwed" Skip starts to panic. "Why? You didn't do anything the cat did it" "Mr sprinkles is a good kitty he's just confused!" Milton pulls the curtain back and his lips start to tighten."Um buddy, those cops aren't looking for you and probably don't care about Mr. Wan" "What are you talking about?" " listen just answer the door and don't act like your normal anxiety riddled self and just answer their questions. Whatever you do don't tell them anything about a suit wearing orangutan." Skip looks at the door "Milton you got to give me more information than that" Skip looks back toward Milton only to see an empty room with jars on the floor.

The men knock on the door again and Skip finally cracks open the door. "Ma- Ma- may I help you gentlemen?" "Good morning Mr Middleton, we are sorry to bother you my name is Agent Slack and this is agent Henderson.We are wondering if we could come in and talk to you for a moment?" "I, I'm,I am busy at the moment. I am going to see my doctor today, I am having a serious overload right now and I just da- da- don't have time for visitors at the moment. " Skip moves to shut the door when agent Henderson puts his hand in the opening pushing his body ungainst the door. He leans in staring at Skip. "Mr. Middleton, I'm going to cut to the chase here. We are looking for a friend of yours and we know he has been hiding here and judging by the empty pickle jars it seems that he has been making himself quite at home. He belongs with us and has escaped and it is extremely important that we get him back safe with us it is for his own good." Skip grabs one of the jars off of the ground " Sir I assure you that these jars are mine. I- I- have loved pickled eggs since I was little. Kind of a nostalgia thing you know?" Agent slack lifts an orange hair from the sofa. " so you haven't seen an orangutan around anywhere? Is what you are telling me?" "No sir" Skip swallow hard, his shirt now noticeably wet from sweat. " We are going to stick around the neighborhood for a while here is our card give us a call if you see anything" agent Henderson leaves a white card with only a phone number printed on it, takes another glance around the apartment with a suspicious look on his face then then men leave out the door.

A few moments go by when Skip heres Milton form his room." Are they gone?" Skip looks out the window to see a black Cadillac sitting across the street. " They are still sitting outside" Skip is sitting silently on the sofa looking as if all his air has been pushed out of him, trying to figure out all of the events that have happened the over the last 24 hours. "Milton, I need explinations" Milton slides out of the door way onto the sofa next to Skip " look, all I know is that one day I'm hanging out in a jungle chillin, eating fruit and doing normal thing orangutans do. Next thing I know I'm knocked out. I wake up and I'm strapped to a chair with a strange contraption on my head sending shocks to my brain being only fed pickled eggs. Witch by the way is the only good thing that came out of all this,they are such a delight. I've been there over a year, they have taught me to read write and speak but Skip listen, the way they teach us is cruel. They poke us and slice us up, taking samples from us." Skip looks over at Milton "Us?" Milton sighs then stands up. "Yes there are more orangutans in there. I got out, they take us to a yard once a week to get fresh air and one day I saw a break in the fence, I started to get close to it when one of the men started yelling at me. When he put his hand on my shoulder to grab me I turned around and just ripped his face clean off. There was blood everywhere. I kept one of his eyes so I can get back in one day" Milton pulls an eyeball out of the inside of his jacket. "Jesus!" Skip stands up next to milton looking at the dislodged eyeball. "I made a run for it and had been walking for days, I saw you walking from your doctors office one day and you looked like a genuine kid, kinda depressing sad and lonely, but a good kid. I knew I could hang here on the low" Skip looked at Milton with concern on his face "I'm not depressing" " Ya you kind of are" the both crack a smile when suddenly one of the agents peaks into the window. "Shit!" Milton takes off through the bedroom and out the back window. Blasts ring through the apartment shattering glass all over the floor. Skip takes cover behind the kitchen island. The men climb through the window and back out through the bedroom after Milton.

The city streets are crowded. Milton is frantically pushing through the crowd and down the street knocking over carts and and leaping over fences. The two men are gaining ground on him, he makes a sharp turn into a building. As Milton closes the door he notices its a seafood processing facility with tanks filled with water, he starts weaving his way through the tanks when the door swings open. The two men push through the door and start to follow " Milton give it up. You are only prolonging the process" Milton makes his way past the tanks and out the back door. Dead end, the walls are too high, he looks around as the the two men walk out of the door " Milton. You have to come with is. The world is too dangerous for you to be out here and that boy was only using you for his sad attempt of having a friend." " I can't go back there what you do is torture " Milton starts scratching desperately at the wall. Agent slack reaches down to grab Milton when a blast comes from behind him opening a hole in his chest,blood splattering all over Miltons suit. Agent Henderson turns around and another blast rings out ripping a hole through his skull. Skip is standing in the door way holding a blaster with a shocked look on his face. "Milton. Why was there a blaster under my bed?" Milton looks up at Skip " I got it from an archillian battle cruiser." He starts to chuckle but skip doesn't seem to get it. "Look I'm going to take his head then we can send a video to their boss warning them to release the others" "What? No we aren't some kind of gorilla war generals we can't do that" " Of course not im not a gorilla. Skip you have to help me I have to stop these guys." Skip looks at Milton " I'm not made for this. I can't handle this kind of pressure I mean , Jesus Milton I can't do this!" Milton puts his hands on Skips shoulders "I've got you buddy we're a team" Skip looks at Milton and shakes his head in some sort of strange approval.

Above them overlooking everything is the silhouette of a cat sitting up on the higher wall waving his tail. "You did good kid. You got it in you after all"


© Thomas Portella Jr

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