

Frienship over love
You are falling in love with your friend.
What should you do? Write a story...

Lacracia and Octavio have been friends since 2013 ,when they were still naive and innocent. Octavio has always been by my side even when everyone abandoned me and made fun of me ;he's my knight in shining armor,my real life hero.We were inseparable according to the people in our neighbourhood ,Our bond was that strong,what a bond of love it was .

Everytime someone made fun of Octavio, I would get so mad and end up uttering hurtful words to them because according to me I was the only one who had that right.Years went by but I remained the same protective friend I've always been to Octavio,Octavio was my smile and happiness,seeing him happy would light up my face like a little angelic lamp.

One fine day I bumped into Octavio and when our hands accidentally caressed ,I felt an electric current running all over my body,my heart was pounding yet I still didn't understand what was going on with me,I began to feel butterflies in my stomach though it felt silly I couldn't stop laughing about it,I realised that I was slowly falling in love with him . I then realised I was head over heals in love with my supportive friend Octavio,my moonlight during dark nights,yet I was scared to tell him because I thought it would ruin our beautiful friendship and the thought of rejection also popped up in my small head .My heart kept burning with desire ,I yearned for his love yet realised that his company was enough for me beacause it was like the electric blanket on cold winter nights;the companionship I was yearning for seemed impossible beacause of my fear of rejection.

I decided to keep my feelings bottled up because I didn't have the courage to pour my heart out to him, I didn't want our frienship to suffer because of my unrequited love ,I was afraid to tell him that when I gaze at him I only think of kissing his juicy lips and when I hug him I feel like we could stay like that for eternity because I felt safer in his arms,I knew that he allowed me to bask in the sunshine of his smile but he didn't know that I wanted to be the air that he breathes and the blood that ran through his veins .I loved him from the depths of my heart and I will continue doing that because I'm forever his,he stole my heart and my little heart only beats for him.I learned that love never dies even if it is one sided that is the reason I chose frienship over love ;I wanted to save our frienship so bad that I decided to put my feelings aside,I wonder if he'll ever find out my true feelings for him.


© Lacracia Mathapelo