

Once upon a time, it was spring. Sun was shining in the sky. Clouds were playfully wandering in the sky, sometimes drizzling, sometimes raining with cats and dogs and sometimes just smiling over the land with its spectacular display of seven colours.
Clouds saw toward earth and said arrogantly
"Be thankful to me, I shower rain to you so that afforestation could envelope you with and save you from the scorching heat of heartless sun."

Earth replied "great clouds, I am so thankful to you saving me from that heat vomiting sphere called sun, I am sure if you go near sun you can shut him forever. Please almighty cloud, help me. I am sure that this is your bailiwick to teach sun a lesson." said the earth with a great badinage.
Cloud was filled with aplomb now. He was swayed away by the dotting talks of earth. He was thinking sun to be within his ken. He thought after finishing sun he would carouse with earth with oldest and fine quality of wine. He started going upward to the sun as if he had rendezvous with the sun. He was coming near sun. Sun saw the clouds and shouted giving him warning
"Cloud, are you out of your mind. Why are you coming near me. Why are you remonstrating like a small child. Go back to your position and follow the Devine laws of nature. Otherwise you will perish. You will be penurious of water."
"No Mr Sun," replied the cloud "I will extinguish all your flame. Your days of scorching my friend earth are over. You will now pay the price."
"What a quibble is this?" asked the sun.
"Get ready to become history," screamed the cloud and climbed towards sun and, and, and

Off course the cloud vanished.
From that day that part of earth is desert and called sahara with no clouds in the sky and sun laughing at them.
© Salahuddin Ayyubi