

Forbidden Loves Apocalypse
With rain and hail so profound,
Lightning filled the air.
Volcanic rock tornadoes tossed,
Making Poseidon gasp for air.

The earths crust cracked and fell,
In a gleaming pit as asteroids hit -
With black holes there to emit -
A catastrophic event.

The power to devour,
From this forbidden love affair.
Like the city of Atlantis,
Hell did disappear.
The backside of the moon -
Showed it's face with a sneer.

No more evil, no more hate -
The devil vowed to his loving angel's face.
As the world burned reaching heavens golden gates.

Their eyes met, with warm embrace.
Conflicting destruction's raging blaze.
Though the devil made his decree,
In complete and total honesty,
The angel could not help but feel,
As though she'd made a felony.

It was those cursed eyes, although dark,
They held an ounce of something that was sublime.
Sent to obliterate, she hesitated.
If she'd only just ignored those blasted eyes.
Lightning struck,
Their gaze tore apart
By melted golden streets.

Gemstones fell like gemstone rain,
Diamonds fell cutting their face.
In God's eyes this love was a disgrace -
From his hands bolts were sent -
Piercing their spirits deep within.
Tearing their bodies limb from limb.

Extinguishing their very being,
Graves awaiting their broken bits.
What kind of tomfoolery had they fallen in?
Devil and angel, Romeo and Juliet,
Tragic tales with tragic endings,
Oh, to sin.

(collaboration between Words Of Anthrax and @lilpoetess )

© Words Of Anthrax