

my carelessness
yesterday I had a paper of environment science it is my optimal subject and I only need to pass this exam. so exam was online mode so I join the meeting at 1:30pm and exam start at 2: 00 pm after that paper start and our invigilator was a mam who was newly married and not strict she was teaching her nephew in our exam and her camera was off so everyone start cheating because this exam do not count in my degree. so I also start cheating because I know some topics and all the other are clear out of my mind so I complete my exam at 4:45 pm and I leave the meeting than I made pdf to send . I send my pdf after that I try to open it but it didn't open so I try today morning and I get stunned that only last page was sent I tell this to my father and he said just delete the previous and send the new pdf . then me and my father visit the exam branch and teacher said that re send it .

so moral of story be careful when you cheat someone even yourself
© arni..