

The lost identity...
Daniel was born a healthy male baby. Throughout his childhood, he practiced well manners and proper etiquette. Suddenly, on his 20th birthday, he fell into a month-long coma. Once he woke up, he was Daniel no more. He couldn't resist the habit of saying or doing mean things that would degrade and humiliate another persons’ dignity. This took a toll on his daily life and once stable and loving relationships became broken and bitter shipwrecks. Living a new life, we follow a new world he stumbled upon, a world filled with disrespect and vile manner.
Like all other days, one day he shouted on his mother and in anger, left the home. He kept going a long way. After a long distance, he felt very exhausted and tired. He didn't know where to go at that point of time. After that incident of falling into coma he became very irritable, anxious and confused. He was feeling very thirsty. He looked around carefully. The place was sequestered. No one was there. Suddenly a little boy dressed like a monk passed from there. He was having a small pot of water and a cloth pouch filled with some fruits. Daniel tried to call him in a commanding and loud voice disrespectfully but he didn't listen to him at once. This made Daniel more aggressive towards him and he snatched the things like a child and consumed the fruits and drank the water. As he became satisfied, he saw that after behaving so badly with him, the little boy wasn't having any sign of anger and disgust. He remained calm and didn't say a single word. Now Daniel was bound to think that even after having no materialistic things and staying away from the worldly affairs at this small age, how the boy had controlled himself. Even he wasn't worried that from where he would get the food and water. He appeared like an old soul. He realised his mistake and apologized to him. The little boy smiled and blessed him. He said, "now you have realised what your true identity is. You are a good person in reality but it may be some bitter experiences of life have made you lose your identity. So, go ahead and live your life happily." Saying this the boy disappeared off mysteriously. Daniel was very surprised and frightened too. He tried to search for him here and there but couldn't find him. Then Daniel decided to follow what he had said and came back home. Now he was a totally different person acquiring his own original identity.

© Dr Ruchi 'sisriksha'