

it's unreal .
It takes a second to steal a smile from you ,their company is often refreshing you feel alive with them.Their smile may be real until you spy into their hearts and discover that it's vague and unreal.They trash your name when you're not in the room, they believe every lie said about you. Your meekness gradually becomes a weakness.Before you call it friendship tell yourself the truth,open your eyes to the well graded hypocrisy spiced with jealousy and a touch of hatred choking your freedom.they watch you struggle they won't help, their love has a market price, let it be known,we will take to the top those who know the vileness of our humble beginnings and still stood by us.God help us to quit the tables when we are not wanted,save us from the addiction of loosing ourselves to please others.may we not exchange loyalty with disloyalty, sometimes what kills a man is close to the man .