

A Different Form
If you believe in reincarnation, who would you choose as your next life form if you had the chance? But if you don't believe in it, explain why.

In a distant realm where the ethereal threads of existence weave through time, there was a wise old soul named Alaric. Alaric had experienced numerous lifetimes, each one a tapestry of learning and growth.

One day, as Alaric's latest human life neared its end, the cosmic overseer, a benevolent force governing reincarnation, appeared before him. "Alaric," the overseer spoke, "you have journeyed through various forms. Now, choose your next life."

Alaric pondered, reflecting on the lessons learned in each existence. A flicker of curiosity sparked within him, leading him to an unexpected choice. "I wish to become a magnificent ancient oak," he declared.

The overseer, intrigued, granted his request. Alaric's soul embarked on a new journey, merging with the essence of an oak tree rooted in a serene forest.

As seasons passed, the oak stood tall, witnessing the dance of sunlight and the whispers of the wind. Through the rustle of leaves, Alaric felt a profound connection with the earth and all living beings. In this arboreal existence, time became a gentle stream, carrying wisdom through the ages.

Eventually, a curious artist, guided by inspiration, stumbled upon the majestic oak. Mesmerized by its grandeur, the artist decided to carve a sculpture from its wood. Alaric's essence lived on, transformed into a work of art that spoke to the hearts of those who beheld it.

In this way, Alaric, now an eternal part of the artistry and nature he so cherished, continued to influence and inspire the world in a different form, a testament to the cyclical nature of existence and the beauty found in unexpected choices.

© Nicole 🍒 JoMoRo