

A Tale of Love and Loss

It was a gloomy day, the clouds hung low over the campus as if mirroring the heaviness in my heart. I was sitting in front of the CSIT building.
Kashif came and asked me, "What are you thinking?" I said, "Nothing, just appreciating the beauty of KFUEIT."
He said, "Oh? Is it the beauty of KFUEIT or KFUEIT's love?"
I said, "You are right; it's KFUEIT's love."
Well, we discussed assignments given by Sir Khan Muhammad.
He said today, "I want to tell you something about love, and you can write it as your new short story."
I felt happy that I would write another story. I said, "Okay, tell me, brother; I am listening."
Kashif's story, once filled with anticipation and hope, now unfolded into a melancholic tale of unrequited love.
He said, "A few months ago, I was coming on my bike, and I saw a beauty at a commercial cafe; she was quite beautiful; her hair was brown; her eyes were captivating, and her walking style was amazing. She was not only attractive but also extremely beautiful. She captured my heart."
I said, "Brother, please come to the point."
He aggressively replied, "Dude, I am telling you to just keep calm."
Well, I was listening to his story; it might be a love story or a painful one.
I was thinking he he would reveal the bittersweet twists that fate had woven into his connection with a beauty. The initial spark of curiosity and admiration had transformed into a friendship that brought warmth to his days.
“What are you thinking listen to me” ‘he said.
And he continued, "I followed her; she was with her two friends, but I was unfamiliar with all of them. I followed her from the commercial to the civil building, and one of her friends understood that I was following them. When she saw me, I looked at my phone and then back to myself."
"What happened next? Did you meet her or not? What happened?" I asked.
He replied, "Dude, just wait and listen."
I kept silent, listening and waiting for the twist.
He said, "A few days later, I was here at the entrance, and saw her, she was in a hurry. I followed her, and as usual, I was confident, so I followed her until there was no one surrounding me. I asked her, 'Hi, excuse me. She didn't reply. I said, Miss, I am with you if you don't mind; can you please talk for a few seconds with me? Yet she didn't reply.”
I accepted it she is different from all other beauties. Well, after a few days, I was sitting on the terrace of the CSIT building when suddenly she appeared. I was amazed to see her there. She asked me to excuse myself; I was just gazing at her.
She said “I am with you”, and I replied yes.
“Where is Miss Iram's office?"
“Madam Iram, her responsibility was to update timetables. She is on the second floor,” I replied.
she said thanked me and went over there.
Now, I was waiting for her to come back and have a talk. But when she came back, she was not alone; she was coming back with Ma'am Isabella, an English teacher who taught us in the first semester about study skills.
At that time I guessed that that she belonged to my department, BS English. I again followed both of them. Ma'am went back home in her car, but she was going to a girls' hostel.
I asked her, "Excuse me, miss, why are you not talking with me?"
She smiled and didn't reply.
I again asked her, "Hello, miss, what's your name?" and she didn't reply.
I said, "Okay, miss, Allah Hafiz."
I went back to my department. After one week, I went back to my village.
A girl with the username “Princess” sent me a message request on Instagram, I saw that she had texted me a few days ago, and I accepted.
She said, "Hi, how are you?", As she was waiting for my reply.
I replied with a smiling emoji, "Fine, thanks. Who are you?"
She said, "Didn't you recognize me?" I said no.
She said, "I am that girl you followed," and then I recalled, "OMG!"
We chatted; her name was Jaweria, and she was basically from Mianwali, but she was a hostel resident; she belonged to the English department, and it was her second semester.
We discussed this daily, and we became friends. After a few days, I asked her to be in a relationship, and she said, "I am engaged; I can't."
Well, after a few days, we decided to meet at the café. She bought two drinks, a burger etc. We ate, discussed, and gossiped.
The “QRF” car came, asked for our identity cards and then left us.
But, after a few months, we became good friends. She usually messages me, and I also do this.
After one month, I saw her standing with a person with whom I was unfamiliar. I came and greeted her, and she was also with that boy; she said he was my relative from Mianwali, and I said okay.
Well, I didn't stay there; I went to my class. She didn't message me the whole day, nor did I.
I was thinking she would message me, but she didn't.

The next day, I came to the university for scholarship purposes, and HOD’s signatures were required.
What I saw was that she was with the same guy outside the department.
I didn't greet them. I went to class, and thus the day also passed.
Now, I was sad. I had a friend from the second semester to whom I told that she was my best friend; maybe he told her or others in the class.
She messaged me and said she would meet with me tomorrow. I went there
“From today on, don't tell anyone that we are friends”, she said
I felt hurt; I was sad.
She just left me with no solid reason.
Kashif was looking so sad while telling me his story, he said that he doesn’t believe in any girl.
“Now, you know, she has different friends, and she also has a boyfriend here”, he said.
“I don't like her; I wasted my two months with her. I feel regret.”
“The beauty of KFUEIT, once a source of inspiration, now seemed to mock the fragility of human connections.”
“The beauty of KFUEIT, once a beacon of hope, now mirrored the poignant reality of a love lost in the corridors of time.” He said these two lines and went.

#love #loss #sad

© admalik78614