

After days of war, Zion Kingdom returned to it's peaceful riegn. The President Of the Zion Kingdom Lawyer Hlotsi Dennis Dela had passed away and was buried. The search of the next president became very violentic as the committes and citizens searched for who to be the next president, the two son's of the late President namely Michael Hlotsi and Dela Hlotsi one was to be chosen to became the president. They were protest, conflict and trouble everywhere,so Dela Hlotsi decided to withdrew himself from being the President because he wanted to preserve his father's work but the committee refused because Dela Hlotsi had the potential of being the President. After coliative decision, it was decided that Dela Hlotsi should became president but Michael was causing his troop and gangs to cause fear. Therefore the committee ordered some strong soldiers to stop Michael Hlotsi with his gang's but they flee away. The soldiers continued to look after him with his gangs but couldn't find him. Michael Hlotsi decided with his gang's to cause coup d'etat but on their way a meteorite striked their head and they all died. The news was announced and people were happy but Dela Hlotsi cried for losing a selfish and jealous brother. He was buried with low number of people attending the funeral. The following dawn Dela Hlotsi was sworn in as President. The people rejoiced to have a new president.
Thank you!
Get ready for how Dela Hlotsi ruled in my next edition.Kindly comment what you will like to see next time.