

A Porch In The Golden Sun
Aries: Can we stay here? Just for a lil while longer?

Mia: I wish we could, but you have to go soon

Aries: What if I don't want to, I can have everything I've ever wanted here

Mia: Maybe so, but everything you've ever wanted isn't only here my love, it's out there as well

Aries: And what if you're wrong? What if this is where I'm supposed to be? What if it was meant to be us?

Mia: You know as well as I do that it wasn't.

Aries: It should've been. You shouldn't have ever left.

Mia: I'm sorry babe, but life happens.

Aries: I know. It's just that I was ready as long as I knew I wouldn't be leaving you alone. I never had anything in life, and the one thing I did is gone, the one person. My only love

Mia: When we lose people, we always want to go with them, but I'd be disappointed if you were here with me.

Aries: Was I that bad😂

Mia: No. You were the best, best thing that ever happened to me. Now you'll be the best thing that ever happened to someone else

Aries: I can't do that love. Not only am I not good enough, but I don't want to find another

Mia: I know you don't. But I we can't be together anymore. And you're more than good enough.

Aries: I miss you Mia, Every damn day. Every hour, every fuckin second I'm breathing.

Mia: I know you do babe. I see how red your eyes get when I'm away. For someone who used to never care about anything, you sure seem to cry a lot.

Aries: Everything is just hard to not care about now. You gave me love, you gave me meaning, You gave me life. I remember so much. I remember when I was gonna surprise you, I was going to propose to you.

Mia: Can I be honest with you?

Aries: Always

Mia: I know you were going to. I snooped in your bag.

Aries: I see, can I be honest with you now?

Mia: Always

Aries: I watched you snoop.

Mia: And you didn't say anything?

Aries: Nah. I was going to because I got scared, but once I saw your smile, I knew I was making the right choice so I let you stare for a bit.

Mia: I cannot believe you right now.

Aries: Hey I didn't snoop in someone's bag.

Mia: Touche

Aries: Do you remember that one time your dad caught me in your room?

Mia: I think about it all the time, he was furious.

Aries: He really was.

Mia: He didn't like you at first, but he never liked any guy to be honest.

Aries: Oh I know. But at least I turned out great. Now he loves me.

Mia: Well you were going to be his son-in-law. My mom always loved you from the start

Aries: Well I can be an angel, thanks to you.

Mia: You always were an angel, you just needed help finding your wings. How are my parents lately?

Aries: They're doing good. Me and your dad finally fixed that truck he had been working on for awhile. And your mom opened up her bakery a couple months ago

Mia: That's good to hear. I always thought it wasn't going to work, but like he said, he would prove me wrong. And mom always had talent.

Aries: The trick and bakery look nice. Your mom has been making me real fat though. I swear she's getting me ready for Thanksgiving.

Mia: Well you'll good no matter what my love.

Aries: Why thank you m'lady

Mia: Are they ok?

Aries: They are. Actually we're coming down to visit you next week for your birthday.

Mia: Oh my God I completely forgot. It's hard to keep track up here.

Aries: Well dont forget on your birthday. We're bringing a cake. Just don't tell them I told you ok?

Mia: I'll take it to the grave.

Aries: Than I guess I have to take your word for it.

Mia: You better.

Aries: I will. Trust me.

Mia: Always.
Do you remember when we had got caught skipping class and we had to run and cover our faces?

Aries: I could never forget. You Pulled me into a locker.

Mia: I was trying to pull you to safety.

Aries: Well I didn't feel very safe, only pain..

Mia: I said I was sorry.

Aries: I know, it still hurt though.

Mia: Whatever, You're fine.

Aries: I guess.

Mia: You ok?

Aries: Ehhh

Mia: Talk to me

Aries: I just miss you is all.

Mia: I miss you too

Aries: I'd hope so.

Mia: You're impossible to not miss babe.

Aries: Nice

Mia: Shut up

Aries: We would've been great my love.

Mia: I can never stop thinking about it.

Aries: I showed Mikayla a picture of you . I just never realized how much she looks like you. When she gets nervous she always holds her her ring finger just like you did. And she's had small trouble at school.

Mia: Who did it?

Aries: Oh no, they weren't bothering her, she was defending another kid.

Mia: That's my girl. Always playing the hero, just like her father

Aries: I'm glad we have some similarities. She's a good kid, really smart and adventurous, just like you. Straight A student. And she likes to dig up worms for some reason. She's growing up, But she hasn't changed at all. I'm proud of her.

Mia: Oh she's definitely our child then....... I wish I could help raise her.

Aries: I do too. You'd definitely be better at this than I am.

Mia: I doubt it. Look how well your handling it.

Aries: Barely

Mia: Does she know about what you're going through Aries?

Aries: She does not

Mia: I think you should tell her

Aries: I don't think I can, Everytime I go to do it I feel sick. I don't want her to blame herself.

Mia: Baby it's time to tell her. It's best to do so.

Aries: I know
Do you think I'm any good at this?

Mia: Of course you are. Why do you ask?

Aries: I don't feel I'm any good at this, like at all. Baby you know how many books I've read on how to do this shit, learning everything I can about what me and her have had to deal with. I can't get a handle on everything you know?

Mia: You're doing just fine love, I've been watching. The bed time stories, Giving her crazy hair styles. Letting her do your nails and make up the older she got.

Aries: She does a really good job. And damn she's very pushy. I tried to scooch my chair and she was acting like I starting running from her.

Mia: Well you never knew how to sit still babe. And every time you scoot your chair somehow manage to go further than a scoot.

Aries: You guys just take too long.

Mia: It would be quicker if you would just sit down. You're like a child.

Aries: Well if I'm a child you know wha-

Mia: You better not start quoting family guy

Aries: Fine, buzzkill

Mia: Mabe I am a buzzkill. But you love me anyway.

Aries: Well you did make it hard for me to not love you.

Mia: Than I am glad

Aries: I wish we had a chance, It would've been nice to see some grey hair on your head someday.

Mia: Your head would be even grayer

Aries: Nah, I'ma stay looking young

Mia: Yet your body always hurts?

Aries: I was just playin around.

Mia: Yeah ok old man.

Aries: No matter what you say, I still find you lovely

Mia: I better be.

Aries: Maybe in the next life, we would've grown old together.

Mia: What would've been our spot to hang out together then, it has to be somewhere lovely, and a really good view.

Aries: A porch in the golden sun

Mia: That sounds lovely.

Aries: It has to be lovely if your there. Plus our home looks beautiful enough as it is, now imagine if you were here.

Mia: You can tell me all about it when you get up here.

Aries: I guess, but it's so long to wait.

Mia: I know it is, but you have a daughter to look after anyway, so you'll be more than busy.

Aries: Very true

Mia: Of course it's true, I'm always right

Aries: Somehow

Mia: Doesn't matter how to me. I'm just right

Aries: yeah yeah

Mia: Do you hear that sound babe

Aries: What sound?

Mia: That look on your face shows that you know what sound I'm talking about.

Aries: Maybe

Mia: The sky's awake my love

Aries: I see that

Mia: So you know what time it is?

Aries: .......

Mia: Well one of us has to be reasonable.

Aries: Five more minutes.

Mia: You've already had ten extra minutes babe.

Aries: Why can't I just stay here with you?

Mia: Maybe because someone has to go raise our daughter dummy. She's already awake before you.

Aries: Fine. I will go raise our daughter. She's already just like you in so many ways

Mia: Good. She'll get on your nerves lots for me then.

Aries: And I'll love her anyway

Mia: U better love her, or there will be hell for you in heaven.

Aries: So I've been told many times

Mia: We'll talk again soon my love

Aries: I miss you

Mia: I miss you too. But it's time to wake up

(Alarm ringing)

Mikayla: Dad it's time to get up. Uou decided to sleep in and now I'm here.

Aries: mmm....

Mikayla; Dad, c'mon you gotta get up

Aries: I'm up........ I'm up

Mikayla: Are you ok?

Aries: I'm ok honey.

Mikayla: You sure, it's looks like you were crying

Aries: Very sure, just a dream.

Mikayla: A bad dream?

Aries: Nah, a good dream, a really good dream actually.

Mikayla: What was it about?

Aries: I was talking with you mother.

Mikayla: Wanna share with me?

Aries: Well it's a bit like last time me and her spoke, We talked about you.

Mikayla: Good things?

Aries: Always...... There's something I need to tell you

Mikayla: Will you finally be honest with me?

Aries: Is it that obvious?

Mikayla: At first it was difficult to see, But the more you've had these dreams, it was easier to tell how you were feeling. How long?

Aries: Honesty?

Mikayla: Please

Aries: Since I lost your mother....... I'm sorry

Mikayla: How come you never told me?

Aries: You're my daughter, I'm supposed to watch out for you and protect you, not the other way around.

Mikayla: Dad, we're a family, we look out for each other. Just promise you'll at least talk to me if you need to now?

Aries: I promise.

Mikayla: I have a question

Aries: What is it

Mikayla: I know things happen and we can't control them, but I keep blaming myself for what happened.

Aries: Mikayla........

Mikayla: I know it wasn't my fault but I can't stop thinking about it. Is it wrong to blame myself

Aries: It's not wrong to blame yourself. But as long as you know that it wasn't your fault it would be okay....... me and your mother didn't know what was going to happen. You couldn't have possibly known because you weren't even born yet.

Mikayla: .........Thank you dad

Aries: Of course..You are my child, no matter how old you get. You're my little girl. Are you ok?

Mikayla: I'm ok, alot better now..Are you ok?

Aries: I'm ok.

Mikayla: Are you sure?

Aries :I'm sure

Mikayla: Good, Now get up and get dressed already.

Aries: Honey it's Saturday, I have no work today and you have no school.

Mikayla: You're very much correct, but we could use some coffee right now don't you think?

Aries: You just want to drive your car don't you?

Mikayla: Maybe

Aries: Fine........ You're a lot like your mother Mikayla. She loves the absolute hell out of you.

Mikayla: You think so?

Aries: You don't?

Mikayla: it's not that I don't.....I just wish I got to meet her. I feel like I don't know as much as I want to about her.

Aries: Alright let's make a deal, we can go get coffee and I'll let you drive but, afterwards we have to visit all the places I used to take your mother. And we'll learn all about her, whatever you like to know.

Mikayla: I like that Idea. Thank you

Aries: You're welcome sweetie

Mikayla: Thank you......Will you be ok? Going through all that?

Aries: I'll be ok, You're mother was special to me. Just as you are. and She wants this for sure.

Mikayla: Than I'll get my keys......Love you dad

Aries: Love you too Mikayla.............Love you always Mia

© Aries Andino