

Make Someone Happy
Sir Calvin was bored he had nothing to do one day Grover called his phone and said Nellie was feeling sick and sad she had nobody to see her she needed someone to cheer her up. Sir Calvin said he will try his best that day Sir Calvin went to talk to his grandmother Catherine Murphy and she agreed to help her niece to be happy again. They both went to the store to pick up some flowers, a card, some crackers, and medicine they went over to Nellie’s house that day on their way to Nellie’s house a cop stopped them and they had to pull over. The cop ask where were they going Sir Calvin told the nice policeman that they were going to his cousin’s house to make her feel better because she was sick and the cop understood he smiled at them and he told them to take care of her so they both were on their way to Nellie’s house. They arrived at Nellie’s house safe and gaved her gifts to her it was the sweetest the next day Sir Calvin Murphy and Catherine Murphy came back over there again Nellie was feeling much better Grover was by her side and they were all praising GOD. They all went out and had a fun time Grover drove the car to Strasburg Railroad it was Nellie’s favorite place to go and they all rode on engine 90 it was fun Catherine Murphy looked at her grandson and said you sure know how to make someone happy and Sir Calvin smiled.
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