

My time-tested advice for all you Learners..
My musings (22.02.2022)
I am sharing a few learnings I have had the privilege to deserve in the course of my traveling far and wide, be it for a vacation or for education.. 
Some DOs in life:
1. Master technology (pun intended!)..
2. Don't be closed-minded.. You are not born to be living in a closet or being taken for a medieval person..
3. Eat well, satiate your hunger pangs as many times as possible, but with the right food items, that don't damage body, mind and spirit..
4. Read books without judging them by their cover.. Every published idea has something to tell you or to give you..
5. Even in the scenario of non-inflation-adjusted financial goals, you can get rich, even if it's out of a Fixed Deposit/Recurring Deposit/Term-plans Premium.. Explore options and choose the one for you.. Never underestimate the power of savings, both on personal as well as professional fronts.. Plus, let's face it, we do judge some persons based on financial standing.. Then, why not be in the good books of others as well in the same context..
Some DON'Ts in life:
1. Do not have lofty goals, unrealistic expectations, impractical ambitions.. You are a human being, you have got to evolve by building on present-day assets..
2. Never exhibit lack of subordination.. Even if a certain Mr.  Makhija does not let you work or creates impediment in your work, if he is senior to you, accord respect for peace to be maintained.. (Mr. Makhija is one former coworker of my sister in Tata Administrative Services, who was so loatheworthy that we had set asode half an hour every evening just to vent the swallowed insults, unending criticism and how he can just not be tackled.. Give respect, eitherwhichway..) #MyMusings

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