

A Deepening Expression.
The things we do to make ourselves feel better, can be anything really, like stroking the cat, eating some chocolate, cheering up your face with a bit of make up. Eating some toffee popcorn while watching one of our favourite movies. Connecting with a friend on line, to simply giving yourself a home pamper session. I feel that it’s when those moments in life make us feel more sensitive, than some other moments can.
Missing those connections with people, that you feel you’ve known, well like that forever feeling when you think of them and talk to them. It’s that sensitivity, that vulnerability that a person has about them and when you can tune into that personal connection of another human beings feeling of emotions, it’s the best feeling ever. Even though it can quietly excite you from a distance, it can also scare you a little bit to. As the tangles and you stay still within your comfort zone. All because the nerves raise their heads again. So you watch the rom - coms as though they are all on a loop, just for you to view. That feeling of the rom - com carries you into a deepening expression filled with pure romantic love.
Then the you can feel the beautiful butterflies are flying in the wrong direction, as they tend to do at times.
As that person that you hold with such high regard, continues to connect to your vibe, but you feel the need to get to the next part of the rom - com movie.
If you really think about it, it’s all based on emotions and feelings and thoughts that people have for each other in life. The only difference is, it’s turned into a type of formula, for everyone to relate to in the end and we all do. We all connect to these romantic love type situations, in one way or another. Even if we admit that we don’t like watching rom- coms on the whole. So we strive to make ourselves feel better about ourselves, giving ourselves that loving feeling of self- care, when we feel we need it.
So when you see him or her, depending on your preference and you feel like you want to just fling your arms around that person, each time you see them. When your heart can feel that warming smile each time you hear from them. Your eyes keep giving you away each time you see them, well you feel they are, so you try so hard to hide those emotions each time without scaring that someone special away completely.
In the end, you decide to keep that person in your life any way you can. You decide to go with their flow as much as possible, in the hope that one day that flow will open up a bit more towards you.


© Josephine Daniels.