

A Depressing Conversation
Therapist: What's the matter with you?
Client: I get abused and hurt, physically and emotionally, regularly just because I'm "me".
Therapist: The people who hurt you definitely are jealous of you, because you are better than them, which makes them resort to bullying you.
Client: That's not true, you're only saying that to cheer me up.
Therapist: I'm telling the truth here. Besides, you still have your family members to console you. They would always be there for you.
Client: Nope! Wrong again.
Therapist: What do you mean?
Client: The people who bully me are actually my family members.
Therapist: ....

© Tobi Adebiyi
A drabble is a 100-word story and a simple but difficult format in telling a story. I, as a writer, use drabbles to practice my writing skills and this drabble "Never there" is just one of the few drabbles I've written.