

The Four Tree Story
Once upon a time in a land not too far away,
four trees start to grow on top of a small hill. The first three trees are full of self importance . Arrogant and proud , they are
always boasting about how big and tall and handsome they will become . They spend their days striving to be the tallest , the strongest and taunt each other about how important they are , and how they will live forever.
The fourth tree, nestled in the shade of the other tree , is not as tall ,or as handsome but is all happy and content , just to be a tree. As time passes the three.........
Trees are very important in our life.
They are useful for living being.
They give us fruits, medicine , and woods.
Trees give greenary to the environment.
They give us shadows in summer.
They give us oxygen to breathe.
Trees take in CO2 and purify the air.
Trees helps in reducing in pollution.
They protect the earth from global warming.
We should plant more and more trees.