

Sati's confusion and mahadev clarification about kneeling head for shri Ram and a test of shri Ram after permission from shiv
Once a time, God rudra ( shiv) and sati travelling three realms sitting in the bull (Nandi) visited earth. During their travel they came to dandkaranya. There they saw shri Ram with his brother laxman, who were searching for abducted sita by devil ravan.
They said: Hey sita! This kind of high vocal words used to seek sita. They saw here and there but found nothing and they were mourning. That time God shankar who is generous and purankaam greeted with full of joy and doing Jay jaykar, they went to aside from them. Bhakt vatsal God shankar never revealed self in that forest in front of shri Ram.
Sati was surprised seeing enchanted play of God shankar, who can confuse anyone. They asked them with their fascinating maya.
Sati says: God of gods! Parambrahma, parameswar! God vishnu, Brahma and other gods, who always in your service. You are always obeisance by all. All should meditate and intake of you. You are the mindless God who should be known willingly by very scriptures. Nath! Who is those two man's, they looks displeasure and restless. These two archer warriors looks poor and sad wandering in the forest. The one who is elder, his body looks like blue lotus, seeing him why you became overwhelmed with joy. Why was your mind become full of enjoyment. Listen to my confusion. The owner greeting his servant, not seems fair.
Parameswar says:- Devi! Listen! I am gladly telling you the truth. I respectedly greets him because of a boon. Dear! These two brothers are respected warriors. Their name is Ram and Laxman. They born in suryavansh. Both of them are the wiser son of king dashrath. In them, the younger who is bright names laxman, they are real numerator of sheshnaag. Their elder brother names Ram. They are true fraction of God vishnu. These are protector of saints aand originated on earth for welfare of us people. Creator God shambu kees silent after saying this. After listening God shiv, still sati has not believed and satisfied. By knowing this, that sati not believed me, Lilavisharad God Shambu said.
Shiv says:- Devi! Listen! You should do what clarifies your doubt or confusion. Go there and do test till then I am standing below this banyan tree.
With permission of God shiv, Devi sati went there and thought in mind "How do I test forester Ram". O! Yes, I should go there taking form of sita. If Ram is truely God vishnu then they will know me otherwise they will not recognize me. Thinking this, sati took form of sita and goes near to shri Ram. Actually she has fallen in love. Seeing sati in form of sita, shri Ram canted shiv-shiv and knews everything and smiled, greets and said.
Shri Ram asked:- sati ji! Greeting to you! Kindly tell me, where is shiv. Why you came in forest without them. Devi! Why you taken form of sita leaving trueself? Please kindly tell me it's reason.
After listening the answer from shri ram, sati was surprised. They reminded the talk of shiv and knowing truth, she felt ashamed. Knowing shri ram as true fraction of God vishnu, she took her real form and with joy says: parameswar shiv and their councilors was travelling earth and then come to this forest. Here they saw you with laxman in search of sita. That time your mind was restless and you looked displeasure, in that state they greeted you and went under a banyan tree and still standing there.
© KumarVasu
source ShivPuran