

The Limpfoots Daughter Doll Inspired from many Classics
Siminov had many reasons to move from Russia to his present land.He may say it was to find audience for his folk music,but it was to save his beautiful daughter Ana from further shaming in their own land.

Ana was a charming lady.The men in the hamlet lost their sleep because of the gorgeous lady.But Ana never fall for any proposals.She loved her dad so much,and never intended to live against his wishes.Her father was a limpfoot,suffering from polio from a younger age.Still he managed to earn a living with music.He married a peasants daughter in his good times,but those times never last for long.When Ana was born,god took away her mother.But Siminov rose against all odds,never let Ana feel the absence of her mother.He also taught his daughter to make dolls out of clay.And they lived with what they could earn,happily.But the society laid eyes of envy on their family.Since they couldn't entice Ana,they started making rumours about her.Since Siminov felt it was not healthy,he managed to migrate to another village,far from their native.

The conditions weren't any better.The people had almost same approach.The young lads always peeped into their private life,and frustrated aunts were busy making stories about the family.The children of village loved Ana,she made dolls for them,and Siminov too got descent audience,for publicising his folk tradition.

David,the son of a wealthy merchant too laid eyes on Ana.He tried to follow her,but she lived in her own world.One day,when Siminov left for a fair in the city,for a music night,David trespassed into Siminovs house.Ana was sleeping after a tiresome doll making day.David couldn't control himself seeing his lady love sleeping before him.He looked at her wholeheartedly.Then he heard the voice of Igor outside,Igor was the main rumour spreader in their village,and Igor was an enemy of Davis's father.He hurried in panic.

Ana woke up,frightened.Before she could scream,David beat her down with clay moulding stone.David couldn't think what he was doing.In a panic,he rushed out without Igor seeing him.

After an hour Siminov came back,buying a modern doll making machine for Ana,as promised.He knocked the door,but didn't got any response.With a withering heart,he thrashed the door down.He had to see his doll,lying without vitality of life.,bleeding down.He bowed down before her body.He buried her body,all by himself..without even allowing anyone to touch her.

The Doll making machine still lies in Siminovs house..The new inhabitants of the house procured it after an year.,when its owner was declared missing.One day,The new family in the house planned to renovate the house.When their workers digged the earth for plinth basement,they found 2 dead bodies,hugging each other ..a man and a woman,the man's legs were unnaturally twisted.

Inspired Compilation from many Classics..