

The Haunted Hostage (Part 5 of 6)
Detective Alec Green's Mystery Stories*

After a couple of weeks went by and set up the final decorations for the wedding. Everything was perfect before the day of the wedding. The day had finally arrived, the fifth of July and everyone had to be there before the guest arrived.

''Felix, is Astra and Finley ready!'' Adira said while hurrying downstairs and walking towards the living room.

''Yes honey, they are dressed and ready. They are just playing in the living room. I'm in the kitchen with mom!'' Felix replied.

As soon as Adira entered the living room she saw Astra and Finley well dressed for the wedding. Adira smiled while she watched Astra play peek-a-boo with her brother. Finley was laughing away on the couch while sucking his fist. Astra saw Adira and waved before continuing to play. Adira finally entered the kitchen to see her mother and Felix already packed the food and snack boxes in giant container cases so they wouldn't get damaged. Felix then paused to watch his wife and what she was wearing.

''Waw, waw, waw! You're looking gorgeous, my sweet Adira. Extremely stunning if you ask me.'' Felix said looking surprised.

Felix was about to walk towards her when his mother-in-law slapped him in the back of his head.

''Ah…, mom why?'' Felix moans while rubbing his head. He then looked at his mother-in-law and Adira laughed.

''Stop studying baby number three. We don't have time for that. We have to go now.'' Felix's mother-in-law answered.

''Mom, I was just going to hug her. I promise. There is no more babies for us, never again.'' Felix said confidently. 

Both Felix and Adira gave each other a high five in agreement. Adira's mother shook her head and smiled. She was about to carry out one of the large container cases when Adira grabbed the other side of the container.

''Mom, let me help you with that.'' Adira said. 

They both carry the container all the way in the trunk of the car. They went back inside to help with the other containers. While Felix carried the rest together with the cases of drinks. 

Afterwards, the woman went back to collect the children and lock the front door before heading to the hall. They went there early to secure and make sure everything was ready along with Anjali and her father. When they are done making sure everything is perfect. Anjali and Adira head to the changing room while the others go straight to the church. Joining the others as they await Anjali's arrival.

Adira quickly helped Anjali to get ready for her big day. She helps Anjali throw on her white wedding gown, make up and a gorgeous hairstyle to go with it. As Adira helps her, they chat and laughed.

In the church......

It was finally time for the wedding to begin. Everyone was sitting in the church waiting for the wedding song to play. Alec was on the stage near the priest. Next to him, was Felix, his best man as they both looked stunning in their black tuxes. Adira and Anjali's best friend were the bridesmaids. They were also looking beautiful in their peach matching dresses. As they all stand waiting for the wedding to begin as well. 

As the wedding song played, everyone rose from their seats and turned to watch the bride as she walked down the aisle. Anjali was looking extremely breathtaking in her white fitted bridal gown and makeup to match. Her hair was in a zinnia flower bun and a long side bang that curled above her right ear. Anjali's veil was pinned in the center of her flowered bun and she wore jewelry that matched her gown. Anjali was looking like a true princess and wife to be. 

Next to Anjali, locking arms was her father walking with her down the aisle. In front of them is Astra, looking adorable as she throws white flower petals down the aisle.

When they reached the end of the aisle, Astra was already seated next to her grandmother and Finley, who was fast asleep in her arms. Astra waved at Felix and Adira. They returned a wave and Felix gave Astra a thumbs up for doing a good job. Anjali's father Mr. Mc Clean, handed over Anjali to Alec and he too sat down to watch the rest of the wedding. Anjali and Alec stood on the stage holding hands.

Everyone watched as they exchanged vows and rings as well as kissed. The crowd cheered for the couple. When the first part of the wedding was concluded. It was time to throw the bridal bouquet, all the women gathered round Anjali to see if they can catch it. As soon as Anjali turned around and blindly threw the bouquet. 

She turned around to see that Adira's mother caught it. Adira was shocked and laughed when she saw the whole thing. Felix was too happy and celebrated thinking he will have a father-in-law somewhere in the future. Felix even sang and danced around his mother-in-law but he stopped when she pulled his ear. Everyone laughed at him. Adira was taking photos of the entire wedding and captured the whole thing. She planned to continue taking photos until the end of the wedding reception.

At the wedding reception.......

Everyone watched along as Anjali and Alec had their first dance. Then she and her father danced together. After many practices especially with Alec, It was graceful, calm and loving.

It was time to toast, everyone was have a blast and a good laugh. Especially when Anjali's father talked about Alec.

''Alec is a very unique man, he is strong, capable and serious in what he does. I know that my daughter is secure. I don't have personal issues with Alec, it's just his bug eating. It has me wondering what my grandchildren are going to be like. One might have powers and flying here, the other eating bugs there, it's a confusing thing. I'll only leave it up to the newly married couple to solve.'' Alec's father-in-law said. Next to toast was Adira.

''When I first met Anjali she seemed quiet, calm and kind. Little did I know she had a whole bubble of personality inside. Anjali is full of surprises and has a great personality that makes her a great friend that seems like a sister to me today. She had given up her own career to become a detective and I admire her for that. Not everyone would do this.

As for Alec, he is a great person as well. My husband looks up to you as an older brother and together you both are an unstoppable team. You and Anjali are amazing friends and you treat us like family. You both truly mean a lot to me and my family that no other words can express.'' Adira said and lastly, it was Felix's turn to toast.

''Alex, you are the best brother I could ever kidnap in my entire life, haha. I am just kidding, the day I first met you was the best day of my life and I won't ever change a thing. We have become true partners in crime and brothers from another mother. We have been there for each other through thick and thin. That means a lot to me and I truly appreciate everything you have done for me. I would never give up our brotherhood for the world. 

Anjali, I would say the same for you. I have no siblings but you and Alec have filled that gap in my life wonderfully without me even asking. We all became a family in the adventures we had been through together, including my wife and our family. We have all become an extended family thanks to our solid friendship. That means a lot. I love you all and I wish you guys a happy, successful marriage.'' Felix said and his eyes watered. 

Adira walked back up on the stage and gave Felix a hug. Alec, Anjali, Anjali's father, Adira's mother with Finley and Astra had all joined in the hug as a family.

Later on in the wedding reception.......

Felix was taking his children to the snack table after the large distribution of food and snacks. He had put away food and snacks for his family so he walked across to just collect it. On his way there, he met up with Zhihao and the rest of Alec's family. He greeted them and walked towards the food table to collect the food as well as the snacks. 

Zhihao, leaving her family chatting away, walked towards Felix and tapped him on the shoulder. This causes Felix to turn around and after seeing her. He quickly gave Astra her food and snack, and sent her off to their table.

''Hey Zhihao,'' Felix greeted her again and she returned the greeting.

''So how is life after you know what?'' Zhihao asked and Felix smiled.

''It's been better actually. My life has turned into a series of adventures, beautiful moments and circumstances. That had made me a better man, father, son-in-law and husband to my lovely wife over there.'' Felix said happily and confidentially. 

He then walked towards his wife who was taking photos and his mother-in-law. Who was doing the last minute catering and took them back to Zhihao.

''This is my wife on the left and my mother-in-law on the right. You see these lovely women here, one who married me and the other I call mom. Along with my son on my shoulder and daughter eating quietly across there on that table. They have my heart, they are my family and I won't change that for the world.'' Felix said. 

Zhihao smiled before shaking their hands and walking away. Adira took Finley from Felix and rested him on her shoulder as he was still asleep. Felix wraps his arms around his two beautiful ladies and kisses them both on the forehead. 

Then they walk side by side to the food section. They collected their food he had put away for them. They then went to sit down and eat as a family. While Alec and Anjali were happily chatting away with their family. Zhihao looked a bit sad but tried her best to put it behind her.

........to be continued.

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