

The Spirit in the Bathroom...
Once upon a time, in a cozy little apartment, there lived a man named Sam. Sam was an ordinary guy with an ordinary life, except for one peculiar detail: his bathroom mirror was haunted by a spirit . Yes, you read that right—a demon.

Now, most people would panic if they discovered a demon lurking in their bathroom. But Sam's spirit was different. Instead of tormenting him or plotting his demise, this demon had taken on the role of a helpful assistant. Every morning, Sam would stumble into the bathroom, rubbing his eyes, only to find fresh messages scrawled on the mirror in crimson letters.

"Don't forget you have yoga at 2 A.M. or was it P.M.?? Ughhh whatever you have Yoga to do," the spirit would write, the blood still wet and dripping. Sam would nod, appreciating the reminder. He was terrible at remembering appointments, and his demon seemed to have a knack for it.

"You're out of milk," another message would appear. Sam would chuckle, wondering how the demon knew about his breakfast habits. But sure enough, when he checked the fridge, the milk carton was empty. The spirit had saved him from a cereal catastrophe.

Sam named his demon "Dex." It seemed fitting for a creature that wrote in blood. Dex was efficient, organized, and oddly polite. He'd even leave encouraging notes before Sam's big presentations or job interviews.

One morning, curiosity got the better of Sam. He turned off the bathroom lights, covered his eyes, and asked, "Dex, where do you get the blood from?"

The mirror squeaked as Dex's finger traced the answer. "From the veins of unrepentant sinners," he replied matter-of-factly.

"Yikes," Sam muttered. "Why not something less off-putting? An erasable marker, for example?"

Lights off. Eyes covered. Sam waited for the squeaking to stop. Then, lights on. Dex's response dripped down the mirror: "It's the only ink I can acquire. I have no mortal money to buy a dry erase marker. I will not steal. The blood of unrepentant sinners is the only thing I can take without altering my account."

Sam scratched his head. "But why help me in the first place? Aren't demons supposed to haunt, possess, and lead us to ruin?"

Dex's next message appeared, almost apologetic: "I got bored. Haunting gets old after a few centuries. Plus, I've binge-watched all the shows on Hellflix."

"So, you're my personal assistant slash Netflix critic?" Sam laughed.

"Something like that," Dex replied. "Besides, it's a win-win. You get reminders, and I get to practice calligraphy."

And so, their unlikely partnership continued. Dex would write messages like, "Remember to floss" or "Your socks don't match." Sam would thank him, and Dex would disappear until the next morning.

One day, Sam found a new message: "You're doing great." It wasn't about appointments or groceries. It was a genuine pep talk. Sam stood there, staring at the blood-streaked words, touched by the demon's unexpected kindness.

"Thanks, Dex," Sam whispered.

The mirror remained silent, but Sam felt a warmth a connection with the otherworldly being. Maybe demons weren't all bad. Maybe they just needed a change of pace.

And so, in the quiet of his bathroom, Sam made a decision. He grabbed a piece of paper and wrote, "Dex, you're doing great too."

The next morning, Dex's reply was simple: "Thanks, mortal."

And that's how Sam and Dex became an oddball duo the man who couldn't remember his yoga class and the obnoxious spirit who couldn't resist leaving helpful notes. Their bathroom banter brought smiles, and sometimes, that's all you need even if it's written in blood.

The end...

Uhhuhhh not yet The END! Hear me out... readers here in this whimsical tale is that even a blood-writing scary spirit can become an unexpectedly helpful companion. Who knew that a bathroom mirror could be the perfect place for reminders and a dash of otherworldly encouragement? So, next time you're brushing your teeth, keep an eye out—you might just find a demon with impeccable calligraphy skills cheering you on! Just jokinggggg....✨ Adios

© bearwolf101