


"There was a little girl.when she was 5 years old,her mother always used to say that 'happiness is a key to life'. When she started going to school,her teacher asked her to write an essay about her aim in life.she wrote "being happy" in her essay.the teacher said to that little girl,that she didn't able to understand her essay and the lil girl replied that she didn't understand life.how true is it?
"Happiness is not some sort of great goal to be achieved in life.HAPPINESS is a state of being fulfilled throughout the journey of so called -LIFE"

for those who feel, finding happiness was bit tough to do,
there's this thing i learnt from a kdrama called ' My liberation notes'
a technique of filling your day with 5minutes of happiness nd peace.
it's like getting those from very considerate small things like,
getting to watch a sunrise along your way to work,
a random kid smiling at you in the supermarket,
a little break you give to yourself from the tiring work you've been doing for hours, treating yourself your favourite meal or even an icecream after work..,
and yeah Fill 5 miutes of each day by Getting peace from lil' lot things around you.
as much you do for other people around you nd all other elements of this universe.

huh, I don't know why I'm writing all these...if it was useful for someone out there,that would be good..btw,the drama i mentioned was such a well depicted life slice drama of the decade! it always been my comfort place,i would go there happily anytime when i feel suffocating, nd to cry my heart out,and to feel a sense of warmthness,feel of mum patting my shoulder nd telling everything's gonna be alright .. if you're being at a lowest moment of Your life,i would recommend you to watch this comfort drama nd you get the warmth you needed...!!!

🦋✨i wish you a wonderful life of happiness on your pretty days ahead with that serene full smile as you have always.✨🦋

© @Nabiii