

reading sample : asher (from murders truth I) (en version)
This is a reading sample for one Main character (Asher Rivers) with cutted Text passages from my novel 'Murder's Truth'. Enjoy it and I hope for Feedback. First novel Ive ever written.

Asher Rivers took a deep breath once again. This wouldn't be easy. The treasures of the Council were guarded more fiercely than the President himself, and their security systems were far more advanced than those at the government headquarters.

But he needed the money. Not for himself, but for his family's survival. If he succeeded, they would never have to go hungry during the winter months again. They could afford a fireplace, and wood too, maybe even more than one meal a day.

-some scenes later ...-

Smiling, he took the keychain from the guard and entered the building complex, dimly lit by neon tubes. Before him stretched a long corridor, its end indiscernible. Silence enveloped the place, with only the occasional humming of the lamps, noticeable by their flickering.

Asher knew this was just the beginning, not naive enough to believe it was all there was to it. As he proceeded through the tunnel, he started feeling uneasy. According to his plan, he should have passed a door already, at least 126 steps ago. Even in the dim light, he shouldn't have missed it.

He retraced his steps to the supposed door he was searching for, running his hands along the cool walls, looking for notches or hollow spaces, finding nothing. Restlessly, he circled the spot. It was then that he realized, by comparing the sound of his steps here with the ones before, that there must be a cavity underneath. Why didn't I think of it earlier? The map, a treasure to acquire in itself, didn't mention a door in the wall, only a door after 224 steps.

Bent down on his knees, Asher felt a small hole in the dirty floor. He inserted the key into it and turned it, causing a clicking sound as the metal floor slid to the side, revealing a ladder-lined shaft. Despite Asher being small and slender, the sight triggered a surge of claustrophobia. He wasn't claustrophobic, but tunnels with a width of about 50 centimeters frightened him.

Yet, he had no choice. Making himself as narrow as possible, he ventured into the shaft. The cool dampness inside contrasted with the sweat on his back, making his throat tighten. Eyes closed, he pressed on.

Once at the bottom, he was relieved not to have slipped, as the floor was as solid as the rest of the building. It seemed even darker here than in the previous tunnel. Asher resisted the urge to use his lighter for at least a source of light, but not too far away, he heard the voices of more guards.

-some scenes later...-

Normally, this opponent should at least stagger, but he was sturdier than Asher's usual adversaries. At least, he briefly lost his breath as he struggled to get up and clutched his chest. In a split second, he had the hilt of Asher's dagger against his face. Stomach. Temple. A kick to the groin. The first opponent collapsed with a groan. He hoped he wouldn't have to use his blades. He hated killing.

The next opponent, no, opponentess, was prepared and attacked him with two daggers as well. Unlike Asher, she aimed the tips to maim him. He deflected the first three lightning-fast strikes toward his arteries.

There it was. A gap in her defense. His leg shot forward, and he ducked. The blade rushed over him. His leg swept the opponentess off her feet, leaving her helpless on her rear.

Another kick with a 360-degree spin against her head knocked her out completely. In the chaos, he only now noticed the sirens that had gone off. More and more guards were coming.


© Max von der Heydt. All rights Reserved.

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