

Now when he step inside the cave ,he heard the sound - " OM NAMASHIVAY...." many times . At first he became very afraid , bit then when he stepped out , he found that one holy man was chanting "OM NAMASHIVAY " . He asked to that holy man - " hello holy man . I am Petrit Dogen." Would you pls tell me is it very dangerous after crossing this cave??? " The holy man became very angry , and he shouted on him -" Who disturbed me , who is that fellow who tried to disturb me from my chanting .." Petrit said - okay , okay I am,sorry holy man I think I disturbed you , pls forgive me . I really think that I should not do this . Pls forgevi me ." Holy man said to Petrit - okay , I forgive you , but from next time this should not be repeated . Petrit asked to Holy man - " Thankyou Holy man , can I ask you something ??? "Holi man said - " yes ofcourse , ask me anything . I will be able to answer your question . " Petrit said - So ... Holy man , if I cross this cave , then will it be dangerous ??? I mean that , is it dangerous after this cave ??? And will I be able to find something new in this DARK FOREST ??? " Holy man answered - " Petrit just remember one thing , everything you will find new in the world . If you tried to find something new and if you tried to fight the energies against you, you will definitely win. So nothing is difficult. I give an advise that , you should goand fight everything against which is against you . " Petrit said "Ohh my dear lord , you opened my eyes , I was thinking, that I will not be able to face such things . And I was also thinking that , this is my bad luck to come here . But now I understood , we should face the world in every condition , and have to save ourselves." holy man said - "Yes Petrit , very good I am proud of you . " . So after this great conversation , Petrit continued his journey, with taking his red bag , and his stick . Then when he was going to the path , he saw the board . In which something was written. but he was not able to read it . Actually on that board it was written in TAMIL language , which is the language used in India . So he was not able to read it . " I am not understanding , that what is written in the board ??? If I would have my special GOOGLE ASSISTANT, then it would be very easy for me to read it . " said Petrit to himself . Now , he took his map , and in that map he was able to see that board . But the map was written in English language , so he was able to read that what was written on the board . But , the problem was not yet solved . Whatever the words were written on map's board were very small . So Petrit took out his very Shining magnify , looked out what was written on the board . There was written - "I AM IN A VERY BIG PROBLEM ,PLEASE HELP ME SOMEBODY . MY SON HAS BEEN LOSTED . WHOEVER WILL GO AND SEARCH MY SON ,AND BRING IT TO ME , THAT PERSON WILL BE REWARDED BY THOUSANDS OF GOLD THINGS . ADRESS WILL NOT BE PROVIDED , BECAUSE YOU ALSO HAVE TO SEARCH MY HOME .HINT- TRIOSANA . Now Petrit become very greedy about this , so now taking with all necessary things he started searching to that son .

(chapter 4 will be published soon)