

Dress coding
Before you read further I must tell you that the writing below is my honest thoughts regarding the modernisation of the teenagers for both male and female, and maybe at some point you will think no I am wrong but deep down I am kinda right so If you are ready to know my thoughts regarding today's generation's modernisation and how that works please stay right here.
So what should I start from let's talk about shorts right because nowadays there is a lot of people drooling over Korean beauty whether it is male or female. So there is a rule in south korea that women can wear the short clothes as they seem fit ok But I find it kinda bad if you see through my eyes because I am not saying to the ladies who are comfortable in that but for the women who are forced to wear that type of clothes. It's not right next from males the male idols or the artists have strict rules of not going being shirtless in stages and yet some of those scenarios had appeared recently, I didn't heard about men being not comfortable in that dress code from a male yet but they have feelings too and maybe they are feeling the same as the female .
Now the people who saw them wearing shoulder-off, shorts or a outfit where your body is revealing something,
In my opinion wearing revealing cloth on purpose to make everybody being attracted towards you is a bad way of thinking about yourself and others too,( but it's not false that people get attracted towards them with bad intension and that is bad).
Next those people who thinks that a person is define from his/ her looks or outfit is kinda of discriminating because I have meet with people who are far more dirty minded but wear clothes like a really innocent being and that's where our mind goes blank what to think and the solution is"you can't judge a book by its cover ". Please don't judge anyone with the way they looks .

What next is that Many parents just fill there child's mind that if the person is looking different than you is either bad or his/her intentions are not good and as a result they thought the type of people should be vanished from this world, can you imagine how shrink is there mind and in future if they find someone wearing something like shorts or anything that is really suitable for his/her body, they get a feeling of making her wear clothes which would cover her entire body even if she is not comfortable in that and maybe also intended to harm her in any way possible. So the solution is from the childhood the kids should know how to respect them not based on what they are wearing but what are they from inside, that wearing short clothes or revealing clothes is not a sexualim but just a cloth and it cannot judge their true nature and character.
We are here now what let's look at all the dark side ok,
So there are people who really just shows and flaunts his/ her body to earn money let just say they were forced or maybe their life isn't like us ,so if they do we can understand but what about the attention seekers who have everything and yet do it and in my eyes that is bad and when asked they tell that they are doing to make people comfortable and believe me it's not the rightful way of thinking because when they wear such type of dresses they get a really weird comments and can't people call them stunning, graceful and beautiful rather than call them 'hot' I mean why is that and in today's time teenagers like to hear those comments I don't know why but I am not comfortable if anybody complement in that way because I think it not right.

Now the people who dress from head to toe just because they are comfortable that way, People understand there are people who are comfortable fully covered and yeah they do exist in this world there is no one suppressing them to do so ok.
They do want to look elegant in there own way got it.
I swear this is the last para,
The solution of all this is you know what, taught your child to be respectful towards everybody I am not talking about those who are not worthy of your respect but still make them respect the people no matter how they dress up theirselves and secondly taught your childrens that it is good to make your body look more gorgeous than anyone in your surroundings but for doing that you don't need to over do it because you know if you dress up because of those envy feelings believe me it is not the good decision and stop putting in the heads of kids that if a women dress up herself in way she is comfortable doesn't mean she wants attention everytime or she is just a thing you bought she is a woman and have all the rights to how she looks and how she make herself and same as for every men in our society. And to those ladies who thinks' if this person looks good on this than why can't I' stop making yourself you know it is not the right way of demonstrating yourself and You can't look exactly like that person if you just dress like her or follow them blindly make some borderline in your life Lady and understand not everything is about you and your body and if someone says " I don't care what people think" well maybe the people sometimes think right ( but mostly they just criticiz) so make our upcoming generation realise the true nature of everything so that they can have a pure mindset for eveybody, make a society where everyone respect each other and have dignity for each other and unless then this is not going to be the society who is going to build the dream of your world .
-----------------------------------------The above is my way of thinking and it doesn't mean you totally have to agree with it let me know what do you think and before that please start understanding what is wrong and what is right and also know that" to be a person for others be a human with respect for yourself otherwise nobody is going to respect you", please teach them that it is right how others cover themselves the way they like not because they want attention but because they are comfortable in it and not due to any kind of pressure too so maybe our future generation understand that there are people who wants to live freely and please don't follow anything blindly, That's all from me please do share your thoughts after reading this ....
© Payal Nahak