

My beloved Grandpa love you ✨❤️ ( part: 2)
When I go to my hometown during vacation. All the neighbors living near my grandfather's house ask when your lovely granddaughter arrives.

Because everyone living there knows what kind of relationship I and my grandfather have with each other.

When my grandfather is with me, he does not care about his age nor does he pay attention to what the people around him will think.

I just remember my grandfather and grandmother came to our house during the vacation because we could not go to our hometown during that vacation.

I have a passion for drawing since my childhood, I must have been 8 years old at that time. At that age, if you ask me whose sketch I made first, my answer is my Grandfather. He was sleeping so I thought I should make a sketch of Grandpa sleeping.

Well, it was not that good but it was somewhat good.

At that time I did not have many toys that I could play with my grandfather. So my grandfather gave me an idea and asked me to bring an old notebook.

I brought it and started tearing out one page from it and started rolling it like a ball. He tore out pages from an entire notebook and made a paper ball as big as a catch ball.

Then I made it rigid by sticking a lot of tapes on it and then my grandfather and I started playing catch-catch with that paper ball.

I really can't forget that day. No matter how hard I try to forget.

My grandfather buys my favorite bakery food from the bakery shop and hides it in his room, secretly from everyone.

Then he called me and said, "Come here quickly... shhh!! no one should know."

I went inside and my grandfather closed the door. Then he takes out the bakery food from his pants pocket.

And said to me, "Eat quickly, this is your favorite food isn't it?"

And I used to eat it with pleasure.

At that time there was no such thing as smart phone. There used to be a telephone, or just a normal cell phone.

My grandfather calls me three to four times a day. I'm not talking about the week, I'm talking about every day.

You can imagine that if my grandfather calls me 3 to 4 times in a day, then how many times will he call me in a week.

There is no such thing that he only calls me so often. He calls my sister and my other cousins, i.e. his grandchildren, but he doesn't talk that much to them as much as he talks to me.

Because when I and my grandfather talk to each other, we lose track of time. Sometimes it takes hours. Still our talks do not stops.

I am still wondering that what conversations I used to have with my grandfather at that time, which used to last for hours.

My mom used to complain to me at that time. She used to say," Because of you I can't even talk to my father."

Come on mom, what is my fault that you are not able to talk to grandfather? My mom is just jealous of me. "hahahahahaha"

Because when my grandfather calls, he will talk to my mom for a few minutes and then my grandfather says to my mom, "Call my granddaughter, I need to talk to her."

I can't do anything about it... hahaha.


© siyu_story