

The Aura.
T A P T A P T A P.. . . . . . .

Esosa looked at the sky that seem to give back a suspicious look like it was about to cry out all the rain it withheld for four consecutive days. Oh c'mon! You had the whole weekend to flaunt yourself so don't you dare give me that look, she thought as she allowed a little hiss escape under her breath.

T A P.

Another drop fell from the sky onto the bridge of her nose, she sighed exasperatedly, affirming with her thoughts that now or no time sooner was a perfect time for it to rain. She still had two more stops before getting to the office while still waiting on the long BRT queue as she was the thirteenth...or if she counted well, the seventeenth person on the queue, so this cloudy looking sky should better take back it's crocodile tears! she snapped.

* * * *

C L A P C L A P C L A P.. . . . . .

The sound of a particular footstep filled the spacious waiting hall, and for an unknown cause several heads seemed to turn in slow motion to see the creature that walked in, their gaze seemed to be glued helplessly at The Creature.
An instance, I mean, in an instance, the ever buzzling BRT park, the popular Oshodi Market, where decorum was an abomination, suddenly was brought to a stand still.

The Creature?

What is this Creature?

...or Who?

What is it that made The Creature demand much attention with such...such...such audacity? not forceful audacity, but such an audacity that the people seemed to embrace.

To be continued...


© shootingStar