

Mystery of email.....
The email he has received today is marked urgent. But it's from a friend who died two years ago. He opened the email in curious and started reading it.
Hello friend , I want to explore the truth behind the house in the forest .So I am leaving alone to the forest after sending you this mail .I feel there is something fishy out .If you would like to join me come to my place within half an hour .See you friend .
This message poked him towards his friends death. Without wasting his time he went to the house in the forest with his twin brother .The house was very dark and no one lived there for many years .He knew about the house because he visited the house before along with his friend ,who died two years ago. Both the twin brothers entered the house.They searched throughout the house so that they can get any clue about their friend.But they couldn't find anything.They both returned with a question mark on their face .Now their doubt was,Why did this email popup now ? Who sent it ?
Was it written by friend before his death ? But to get answers they had to visit their friends house .Since it was a night time when they reached their house ,they decided to visit the next morning. Both the brothers left early morning to their friends house.His mother opened the door . When she saw the twin brothers, she was surprised. They didn't tell her about the mail .They just asked her to let them into their friends room .She agreed .When they came to their friends room , everything was kept in the same way when their friend was alive. They searched for his dairy in which he had written about the house.
They searched it a lot at last they got it under his cupboard .They read it and found that he had really visited the house but he had also written that there is soul living in the house .I talked to it.Its of a girl ,who was refused by everyone .She said that she liked me and she was visible to me only.So I started visiting her daily .I liked her and started loving her though I know that she was already dead.I really don't know,what was happening with me... Day by day I was falling for the innocent girl.But one day she asked to set her soul free from the house forever .I had promised her to fulfill all her wish myself.Now I couldn't say no.I did as she told me to do so .She was free finally . Before leaving she said that you are a really good person and smiled at me .Later she flew to the sky and vanished .But she had told me before that we will meet each other soon .I really don't know what was she talking about .But really a good soul .O Lord , Give her a good family in her next birth that's what all I wish .After looking this ,the twin brothers were weeping.They came to know about her last words .They got their answer for the questions.They took the dairy along with them to their home .They silently prayed for their friend.

True love never dies. True friends never leave you apart.