

Daily Revelations
Another leap of faith relating to what isn't always seen, believing that the end results are true. Although understanding may not fit upon thinking lines without dotting the i's or crossing the t's . Yet faith survives with just a position of itself. Tiny as a muster seed, Faith's power moves mountains. Don't turn away or toss my thoughts aside. Just explaining my journey where faith is applied. Allow me to begin again and write about the importance of meditation connecting to self. Inside the emotional core of life, hopes and dreams. Therefore, I locate myself in nature while chanting below the willow tree. With its drooping branches, they overlap the need for privacy. There I wait to tap into personal experiences. As they come to life to determine the weight and size of my immediate growth. Into the vast opened spaces of the universe. Sometimes I can't reach far enough. Other times I am wrestling with my limitations. That's when faith is applied. Enough. Explaining. Daily revelations.
© Daniel Mason