

Life is What you Make of it
Write a narrative on the term "Life becomes meaningless unless"

Life becomes meaningful when you have reasons to live. When you see everything around you as a source of joy, you find reasons to live.

Life can be likened to an empty well, its potential dormant until the arrival of sustenance – water!
Its value is not contingent upon fullness alone; even a modest supply holds potential, depending on who needs it.

Possessing boundless riches may prove hollow if no soul to share them with, while even modest possessions become invaluable when shared with many.

Discerning one's calling and direction, transforms life's course from aimless wandering to intentional journeying.

All this means is life is what you make of it.
Until you figure out what makes you feel alive or what your purpose is, life might feel pointless.

Realize how useful your life is so it doesn't become worthless. ❤❤❤

© Catherine
© NeyahTheSibyl