

Where The **** Is My Wife (Part 6 of 6)
Detective Alec Green's Mystery Stories*

''As I told your buddy Felix, I have nothing to do with that idiotic man for a criminal's plan to destroy a fashion show. This is why he is a dead man today. Both of you make me laugh. Oh this whole situation is hilarious. I am extremely amused that I made you guys believe my ransom noted.'' The man said.

Felix quickly walked up to the man and grabbed his collar.

''Oh Felix, how is your lovely wife and child? I heard they survived. I am shocked to hear that she made it through labor. Unlike your other woman who didn't even make it at all. Hahaha.'' The man laughed.

Felix punched the man several times in the face until he landed on the floor. Without letting go, Felix continued to punch the man on both sides of his face. Until he wiped that smile off the man's face.

Alec quickly got up from his chair, grabbed Felix and pulled him off of the man. Felix wanted to floor the man again but Alec put out his arm to stop him.

''Calm down, I will deal with this.''Alec demanded.

Felix was upset but he listened and wiped the sweat from his face. While he stood there watching the man. Alec stooped down and grabbed the collar of the man's shirt. He then forced the man to stare at him in the eyes and Alec's eyes turned red.

''Now stop with the fun and games. Tell me what is your true purpose for doing this to Felix. Now!'' Alec demanded.

''Jealousy. I am one of the well known professional criminals here in Aero. No one could have touched me except for the police. I have been in and out of prison all my life. So I know all the ropes on how to get out of prison. Also everything evil and tortuous things you want to know, while committing a crime. I am the mastermind behind it all. Every criminal comes to me for answers and I love when they bow down to me begging. I thought Felix would do the same, I even offered to help me but he refused. 

Felix said that he prefers to be independent and successfully proved that. Felix may not have earned much for being a pickpocketer back then but as soon as you arrested him, luck shined upon him even more. He became a detective, married a gorgeous woman and currently has a happy family. He prospered for a criminal and here I am without prosperity. I wanted the life that Felix got.'' The man explained.

''So you tried to kill my wife and unborn child because of that, jealousy. How dare you!'' Felix shouted and was about to attack the man one last time but Alec held him back.

''Officers, you got your confession. Arrest this man.'' Alec instructed and the police officers took the man away to prison. 

As soon as the police officers left the room, Alec let go of Felix. Felix walked towards a wall in the room and started punching it. Afterwards stopping and resting his forehead against the awake. Felix was breathing heavily when Alec walked over to him. 

''You okay now, buddy?'' Alec asked, resting his hand on Felix's shoulder. Felix turned to face him.

''Yeah, I am much better now that he is in prison. Do me a favor and let him rot in prison.'' Felix said before tapping Alec's shoulder and walking off. Alec and Anjali watched each other then followed behind Felix.

It was night time at Felix's house......

Everyone was having a blast at Astra's late birthday party and Finley's welcome home party. It was Adira's idea to still throw a party since they were not able to yesterday. Alec, Felix and Anjali's father were having a blast. They were in the kitchen taking shots of orange juice because the women refused to buy alcohol and wine. 

So they prefer to reach the point of sugar rush but somehow they only made it to the point of constantly using the toilet. They would have had a pissing competition too if they had the chance but it would be unfair for everyone at the party. Instead they prefer to chat and fill the room with laughter all night long.

''So.....how the two future in-laws going?'' Felix asked while leaning over Alec and Anjali's father's shoulder.

''He is a pain. Imagine father-in-law stares at me everytime I eat my grubs.'' Alec complained.

''That is because it makes me wonder why my daughter chose a man that only eats bugs. Don't forget you are a pain as well to. Why don't you tell your friend that thing you always do.'' Anjali's father replied and Felix looked at Alec.

''What is that thing you always do?'' Felix asked.

''Uhm uuh.'' Alec mumbled, feeling shy.

''Oh and don't think I don't know Anjali has powers too. A child could never hide anything from their parents.''Anjali's father said and Alec scratched his head.

Anjali was passing by and saw Alec looking guilty. Immediately Anjali realized what was going on.

''Dad, stop troubling Alec for no reason.'' Anjali said before walking over to Adira and Felix laughed.

''Just admit that you both accepted each other. Oh and Alec, I sensed that Anjali had powers too. I'm just glad my mother-in-law and I don't have that problem.'' Felix said and he looked over at his mother-in-law playing with Finley.

Suddenly she stopped playing to check his diaper and frowned her face. His mother-in-law was about to change him in front of everyone and Felix's eyes widened.

''Oh no, no, no. Not where everyone can see.'' Felix said and quickly ran to her. Seeing Felix's reaction, the men watched each other and laughed.

In the meantime.....

Anjali and Adira were chatting away on the couch. When they saw Felix was arguing with her mother about where they should change Finley. They laughed and when she was done, Adira smiled while shaking her head. She then looked at Anjali.

''Was Felix always this fussy and overprotective?'' Adira laughed.

''I think the best person to answer this one is Astra but she is busy playing with her school friends.'' Anjali said and Adira rested her head on Anjali's shoulder.

''That is true. I hope it's not me alone but don't you think, Felix named our son Finley because he is the only family member with a first letter F in his name?'' Adira asked and Anjali looked at her in shock.

''Oh yeah, I didn't notice that before. When you kinda think of it, it does.''Anjali said and then she continued talking.

''You know, Felix loves you deeply. The way he reacted when you got kidnapped till the birth of Finley. He was worried sick but at the same time, he never stopped looking for you. Felix even fought for you, it's like he was a whole different person that we have never seen before. All because he wanted to rescue you. Felix loves you and the rest of his family, like you guys were diamonds. Trust me, you are a luck woman to have Felix as a husband.'' Anjali said and Adira raised her head and watched her with disbelief. Anjali just smiled and went to start the piñata challenge with the children.

Later on in the party.....

It was time to sing happy birthday for Astra. Everyone gathered around the cake in the kitchen and sang happy birthday while Astra clapped in delight. It was time to cut the cake and the birthday girl was the first to get her slice before the other children. Adira then began cutting more slices to distribute to the adults. 

As soon as she picked up a small slice of cake and rested it on a small plastic plate. Felix grabbed the cake from the plate, shoved it in his mouth and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Adira was shocked, she then turned to watch Felix smiling with crumbs on his lips. Adira wiped the crumbs from her cheek, with her arm. 

She picked up some scrumbs that remained from the cake and pelted it at Felix who then ran off laughing. Adira just giggled to herself while shaking her head. Adira's smile never went away. As she continued to distribute the slices of cake.

......the End

Of book 6
of the Mystery Episodic Story Series.

© Copyright 2022 by Chelsea K. Jack. All rights reserved.