

((SEASON 2))

Johnson paced up and down the lobby of Eagle's hospital... actually the hospital is owned by his family and it's considered top notch in the whole of Nigeria... he was agitated and cool that the bodyguards were frightened, only Ben his assistant wasn't shaken because Mr Johnson was not throwing about his temper yet... he kept looking at the ICU.. he began to wonder what had happened to her... the doctor came out of the ICU...

"Young Master, she is stable now... she has a few scratches here and there.. but it's not too bad, she only fainted... she will be fine when she wakes up... meanwhile,have taken her blood samples for blood test... I'll let you know the results soon, we'll now move her into a personal ward"Doctor Richie explained... actually he is Johnson's best friend...

" how long will it take for the results to be out? "Johnson inquired with a serious face?"...

"come on man, it's my time to go home and am here because you called and told me to stay back, let me go home and get some rest man... eat some food and..." the doctor was cut off

"10 million... and I get it in the next few minutes" Johnson proposed...

everyone around was shocked... the doctor pulled himself closer to Johnson and inquired in a hush voice "who's this girl that you can spend this amount for? you've never been..." cut offed again...

" are you taking the offer or not? "Johnson inquired

" of course I have to tap into your luxury... I'll go about it immediately "the doctor smile and taped him on his shoulder and walked off... Johnson sighed and sat down... his assistant came close and dryed his throat... to get his attention...

"what is it Ben?" he asked without lifting his face up
"Master I wanted to ask if you would love a change of clothes and some food "...Ben asked fearfully dreading his reaction
" go get me some food but I'm not leaving here "he replied politely
" okay master "he hurried off ...
Johnson immediately took his phone out and called someone ...
"hello ,put a hold on the investigation about that woman... I want you to investigate about what happened this evening to Emma Rhema, and I need the information as soon as possible, I'm giving you 30 minutes"... then he cuts the call off his face looked stern ...he must find out...

continue reading @susanreward