

#1 Glimpse at Dawn
One crisp morning in Valerian Ridge, as the city was just beginning to stir, Seraphina stood waiting at a bus stop, her mind lost in a whirlwind of thoughts and poetry. She felt the weight of the day ahead, the countless faces she'd have to navigate at school, and trying to hide her true self wearing different masks with different people and the expectations that always seemed too heavy to bear.As the bus approached, Seraphina climbed aboard and took an empty seat by the window. She gazed out, her eyes resting on the cityscape awakening to the sun's gentle touch. In that moment, she felt a tiny light flicker in her heart, a fleeting sense of hope amidst the urban chaos.Unbeknownst to her, Lucas, an introverted artist who often wandered the city's streets before dawn, was walking along the same road. His headphones filled his ears with soft melodies as he ambled, lost in his thoughts and sketchbook.Their paths converged as the bus slowed at a traffic signal. Seraphina and Lucas both turned their heads, and their eyes met through the glass, capturing an ephemeral but electric connection. Time seemed to pause as they shared a split-second glance, a spark of recognition that neither of them could explain.The bus continued on its route, and Lucas continued his solitary morning walk, but that momentary encounter left an indelible mark on both their hearts. It was a glimpse at dawn, a tiny light that held the promise of something extraordinary on the horizon.

© H.L Sanuthmee

Hey everyone! I'm thrilled to share the beginning of this story with you. Your feedback and thoughts mean the world to me, and I'd love to hear if you're as excited to continue this journey as I am. Please drop a comment with your thoughts, and let's explore this story together! 😊

#story #fiction #Love&love #firstsightlove