

Why We Sacrifice Animals On Eid - UL Adha?

Do you know why we sacrifice animals on Eid - UL Adha

This practise stems from Prophet Ibrahim's (AS) devotion and submission to Allah (SWT), and the sacrifice they were prepared to make.

How it all started:

The Prophet Ibrahim (AS) experienced a dream one night in which Allah (SWT) told him to sacrifice Ismail (AS), his beloved son. At first, Ibrahim (AS) believed this was the devil playing tricks on him, and he immediately disregarded it. However, the following night, the same dream occurred again, commanding him to do the same. Ibrahim (AS) then came to realise that this was no fluke and was, in fact, a message from Allah (SWT).

Ibrahim (AS) loved his son, Ismail (AS). Yet he was fully prepared to follow Allah's (SWT) command and do as He instructed. He took his son to the top of Mount Arafat and brought with him a knife and rope. Upon reaching an appropriate place, he told his son about his dream and what Allah (SWT) had commanded him to do.

“Oh my father,” Ismail (as) told Ibrahim (as), “Do that which you have been commanded, Insha’Allah you shall find me among the patient ones.” (37:102)

Being an obedient son, Prophet Ismail (AS) immediately obliged the wishes of Allah (SWT) and his father and asked that his hands and legs be tied so that he may not struggle and that his father blindfolds himself so that he does not have to witness him suffer.

Ibrahim (AS) did as Ismail (AS) had said. Blindfolded and with the knife in his hands, he did as Allah (SWT) had asked of him. When he took the blindfold off, to his surprise, he saw the body of a dead ram in front of him. Ismail (AS) was completely unharmed, standing right next to him. At first, he thought that something had gone horribly wrong and that he had disobeyed the order of his Creator.Then, he heard a voice telling him that Allah (SWT) looks after his followers and that he need not worry.

Just as the Prophet Ibrahim (AS) was rewarded for his devotion, Allah (SWT) will generously reward any Muslim who completes their Qurbani obligations with full hearts and good intentions.

We remember that sacrifice, every year, during the month of Dhul Hijjah, last of the holy calendar, when Muslims from around the world perform Qurbani  - sacrificing an animal, as Ibrahim (as) did - preferably a goat, sheep, cow or camel. Thus we echo Ibrahim’s (as) deed long ago to demonstrate our own devotion, obedience, and submission to Allah (swt).

What we had learned from this story is:

Despite the knowing how much it would have hurt him, Ibrahim (as) followed Allah’s (swt) command and was willing to sacrifice his beloved son, Ismail (AS) out of devotion. Allah’s (swt) divine intervention saved Ismail’s life, and in doing so revealed to Ibrahim what he truly wanted from this act of devotion, and a sacrifice of worldly attachments. It was never Allah’s (swt) desire for Ibrahim (as) to sacrifice and lose his son, but instead to slaughter his earthly attachments.

 “It is neither their flesh nor their blood that reaches Allah, it is your piety that reaches Him.” (22:37)

© Shafiya