

Metanoia (Diary Entry- People Studies)

28th, 2024 Wednesday
5.51 pm

I've seen most people studying, mostly dying.
I've seen a lot of people giving their blood and sweat to achieve marks.
I've never done that. I like to do it atleast once, I tried to do it.
but I can't, I'm just a free soul anyway I can't strive hard for it, I'll use my time effectively or use techniques than studying a lot.

mostly people are studying, they all are studying.
I really don't know why?
it's better to learn life things than studying all the side things.

In India, peoples study from pre KG to 12th and still be dilemmatic about their Aims.

One Question to this Education, mug uping and vomiting system.

Are we training for 15 years just to be dumb? if we Peoples dunno about our their own Aim, what's the rest?

India needs refined peoples to develop their nation, but they don't want good syllabus needed to be incorporated, they want us to learn about money making but not about making good inventions and good minds.

but I learnt one thing, there are few peoples who truly follow their heart, if they are blessed, their parents will help them to fly.

While coming to education, it's the foremost duty of parents to make the child, confident about marks.

Some parents need Marks, nothing else.
it's indeed a worse thing. they think that's how their child can survive in this world.
they have resisted mindset, only education will give them a job.

there are many things apart from education, we should learn to build self-confidence, we should know to follow our dreams, we are in need of helpful parents, we should know to help the peoples in need, and to have a good character, to have a radiant heart.
Your confidence will help you, your education can be a bonus.

I'm grateful to God, that I got my parents who support my happy life, and also encourage me to do my things of love
I welcomed them by letting me know education or grades doesn't define me, those are just a part of life and not life.

Thank you family, Thank you God.

And it all struck in Education system.
we are trained to get a Job, not a life, not a passion, and not a happy mentality.

We want money to buy things, but none made us aware being wealthiest or rich is by giving others and know to earn it back in a morally way.

We're much focused on systematic approach than Lively descision.

I hope people will change, I hope parents will say education is just a way to life and not their whole life, I hope you'll follow your passion, if you can't atleast I hope you'll know to change your mentality into a very positive way of knowing alternatives, I hope you're supported or you're stronger than the problem to solve.

I hope you learn more than studying, learning is done by love, by your own likes, studying is a thing or focus, choose what you love, and learn it till the end.

And I hope you develop your self-confidence and independent.

One of my favourite Steve Job's Quote I'll always remember, in my hard times if things go differently.

"To do a great work, is to do the work you love or love the work you do"

it's freaking awesome!!!

© Hazel