

Life is Binary
~Am I?

Where am I? Who am I? Am I where I think I am, as well, who I think I am? I can only be somewhere if I and another experience it. The me I see is not the me you see. I exist, but do I really exist if no one else can see the same me I do? Surrounded by people who care, yet, why do I feel alone? You are me in another body, another perspective, we are us, and we are here, we become one, and alone again. With no one else to observe us, we become the state of solitude. When a new perspective arrives to witness our situation, they become part of the unison we merge. In time, we come infinity. We are one, nothing else is left, nothingness becomes something we wish to be part of, the polar opposite of what we have become. Everything is one, unity. Nothing, zero, an imaginary void that cannot be contained, infinity. I ask myself again, who am I? Where am I? I am the glitch between 2 infinities.

~Ones and zeros

Everything can be broken down into binary, a system that represents one or another, commonly 1s and 0s, or on and off, true or false. Is existence 1 or 0? Well, we feel it, so it can't be 0. So it must be a 1! Maybe. Maybe not. If we were to agree that 1 means on, then yes, it is a 1. But if we consider 0 as nothing and 1 as everything, existence would have to be between 0 and 1. If the universe was a 1, everything possible would have to be crunched into a single point, and we aren't there anymore, or yet, I'm not sure, or convinced our universe even had a start.

~We are us.

People love to use the term, "There's 2 types of people...." and it's true, there are 2 types of people, there's me, and there's you. Me being the one of the moment with full witness and comprehension, and you being the filler, or what some gamers would call an "NPC". But this rule applies to you as well. In every situation to you, you are the me, the one of full witness. I truly believe that we share a fraction of the same mind. Your life is illusionary, you are alive and that's it. You feel, and you occupy an area, everything else is subjective. You don't actually need to do or say anything, ever. The higher mind that we borrow from is just experiencing itself.

~Over there!

But where are we? Really though, this baffles me. We can pin point our location, but only because we compare it to something else. Where is the universe? I think it's within the minds of which are inside itself. This is why I think there is a higher mind. It's a paradox really, because in a physical point, a location can't be in an imaginary point, or can it? The universe exists, and that's pretty magical and unrealistic. so why can't the location of existence also be magical?

~The end is the beginning.

We die, but do we really die? What you would call your life, kind of only reacts the 5th dimension. Given that the 6th through 10th dimension includes the start of your life being changed, or different, we are only going up to the 5th. Also given I don't need to explain 1st, 2nd, and 3rd dimension, the 4th and 5th is where I'll focus. Take a cube and set it on a meter stick. Take a photo of it, then move the cube 1cm and take another photo. Start stacking your photos. continue this process over and over, and watch the photo stack move in a direction. Consider this direction the 4th dimension, and we call it time. To make the 5th direction, pick any photo you have taken, and change the course of where you move the cube and start taking photos and start stacking them in a different direction. and for each "branch" of different courses, builds the 5th dimension. Now, instead of a cube being moved around, replace it with you. You move forward in time, with choices, which would bring the possibility that your entire life, and possible life outcomes, are already complete. The the start of your life are one end of a 4th dimensional cube, and the end of each possible life courses at the other end of what becomes a 5th dimensional cube. So not only is your death already written, but every possible death is already written. Which also means, your death is right now in existence, to where someone is experiencing it, just not you yet. You very well could have, and quite possibly experienced this day, an infinite amount of times, and will experience it an infinite amount of times again. You may only live once, but it's going to be, and has been forever.

~Don't look up, or do.

I'm not religious, except I've built my own ideology and became part of the God I believe is us, creating existence and becoming omniscient, 1 conscious mind at a time. To me, God isn't a being, God is us experiencing ourself. But who am I to say I'm right. People are able to have their own belief, as well am I.

~Only zeros.

Nihilism became a foundation to me, I had to reach this point before I could build any idea I have today. Nihilism is the 0 end of binary, and all existence is 1, and we are the in-between, the subjects. Note that everything in-between can still be broken down into binary, always.


I hate the dictionary, even though it is the only book I have ever read, front to back. I don't like reading, or writing, but I have ideas that I like to share, so I'm kind of forced to. One reason why I don't like the dictionary is because it uses to many subjective terms. for example, the word vanity is described as :Excessive pride in admiration of one's appearance or achievements. The word excessive is subjective. Excessive pride? To who? One can think the same amount is just right and another can think it's not enough. It's a matter of perspective. Change the word excessive to "shows or feels" and it becomes a more solid definition. Words are words, but yet humans have found a way to make them more convoluted than they need to be. Using words like "typically" or "often" destroy meaning and make it more flexible, rather than explicit. So really, what are words anymore anyway?

~What time is it again?

I've spent a large portion of my life intoxicated, pretty well half of it. Between alcohol and various drugs, medications, huffing gases, stuff like that. I'm sober now, and have been for near 16 months. This is no achievement, although it can be seen as one. I was only a kid when I've discovered weed and some variants of meth, and alcohol, which I consumed until I was around 21, but continued to drink until I was 29. I've been on adhd medication on and off my entire life. But here's the catch, I actually enjoyed most of it. Very few bad experiences considering I was alone most of the time. When I was 26 I discovered lsd and consumed an ungodly amount of it during that entire year, and I mean a mass amount. a normal dose would be somewhere between 8o to 1ooug, and a large dose would be 6ooug, and my dose once a week was anywhere between 12oo-16ooug with a few exceptions of hiting 24ooug. At these measures, life becomes different, all the answers would come to me, pure clairvoyance, omniscience, nothing was unseen. I become the universe. maximum euphoria, mind orgasm for what felt like an eternity. After a year, this ride starts to dwindle away, and the experience becomes repetitive and more of a chore than pleasant. I've continued to dip back in until I was 29, where I dropped all, cold turkey, and became sober. I've definitely consumed many different types of drugs, but there was only this one that truly built the person I am today, and I wouldn't change it. I don't encourage drug use, but I do however believe lsd is good for you in moderation.

~The lie, The builds.

In my model of the mind, there are 4 sections. The cake, the cogs, the switches, and the mind. The cake is where all ypur subjective opinions reside, whether or not you like the color blue, or red, or what causes you to have anxiety, the cake is basically your person. The cogs is where your cognitive behavior comes from, how you react, how you move your body. This part of the mind is based off of how your cake feels. The switches is the deeper part of your mind to where you can change the way your cake and cogs work. In this part of the mind, if you're able to access it, which you can if you think or meditate, you can change whether you like the color blue, and with deeper meditation, you can change what causes your anxiety to trigger. I know this because I had bad anxiety during my ex marriage. With a few exercises of meditation, I have reached this layer of the mind and changed how I felt about everything. It is actually simple if you believe you can do it, you just need to accept what your cake is not willing to. This leaves us to the last layer, the mind. The mind is the fuel of consciousness, you feel, you witness, this is the deepest part of us, and we share the exact copy of this in all of us, a clean slate, no cake, no cogs, no switches. This is the closest you can get to understanding someone, is that they are actually just you, in a different body, with a different cake. The cake divids us. To understand someone completely, you need to remove your cake and your cogs, activate some switches, and open your mind. I believe being human makes understanding another, impossible. You can only receive so much information before you alter it in your cake. People will pack on the cake more and more to define who they are, but it only separates us further from another.

~Go f**k yourself!

We hate us. Humans have reached a point where we need to hate another to feel satisfied in oneself. We all hate something, or someone, whether it be a type of mindset, or people hating people who hate. Social media is a breeding pool for hatred. Entertainment value loves hating people. Why do we do this? Everyone strives for love and acceptance, but manages to fight fire with fire somewhere. I for one, experience mass amount of hate due to my exceptional unique appearance, so it's a dip into psychology for me. Hate is driven, it doesn't just develope from nothing, there is always a reason. These reasons could be anything but mainly broken down into a few roots. Fear is one. Hate towards an individual because of how they appear, could be fear of acceptance to something they don't understand, or self humiliation due to not understanding, or fear of humiliation of accepting something they feel someone would judge them on because of the prejudice they scored prior. Some people will say jealousy, but I truly don't think in this scenario that is true. Jealousy isn't hate, it mat lead to what is seen as hateful remarks or actions, but jealousy is straight up just jealousy. But why do we hate on a global scale? Why do we allow such behavior? People are free to evolve and worl together, but we choose to put people below us somehow. We can claim to enjoy encouragement, and love, but we are a virus that not only destroys planets, but eachother while we are at it.

~I didn't do anything.

Problems are subjective. Your problems only exist to you, but they don't actually exist at all. Imagine that! Everything that stresses you out, or something that you can't quite figure out, is all in your head. Anything you see as a problem, you can also just not see it as a problem. Let's say your tap is leaking, and you don't have the know how nor tools to fix it. First off, the tap isn't broken, it's in a different position than what someone has intended. So, there isn't actually a problem. You only see this as a problem because you don't want the tap to leak. You can always see this leaky tap as a piece of art, where it was in one position, and now in another.

~What is it?

There is no law saying you can have more than 1 opinion. If you were to walk into a room and see a man in a suit facing away from you, you would have a quick and immediate judgment of this situation. Which would be an opinion. If you were to keep hold of that opinion and write about it, it would be considered a documented opinion. Then if you were to approach this man face to face and see that it was just a mannequin, your new perspective would be different from your initial one. But in time , though your opinion has changed, you still have had both. And if you think you are no longer the past you, I'll have to change your mind on that. The past you exist now, as well as the current you and all the possible future yous. We all have our bias and opinions and our mind cake, and it's part of you.

~Too many ones and zeros.

How does any of all this have anything to do with life being binary? Well, imagine everything has a code of a myriad of switches of on and off toggles. Every sliver of time would have a combination of these switches that would equal to the current moment, and this spans over the entire universe. At least this all applies to objective reality, the position of matter. Understand the difference between subjective and objective reality is what I would consider enlightenment. What you find funny, someone else might not, but whatever it is, has to be considered funny, because at least someone finds it funny. But same goes for repulsive, and anything else subjective. How you feel about something, doesn't make it that something in objective reality, only subjective.

~It is, is it?

The paradox of binary is that binary is a 2 point system, except it needs a fuel, which would be the question. Question equals 0 or 1, or (?1) or (?0). Time is important to keeping this a 2 point system. because without time it would be (?1or0). Resort to the cover photo for a better visual.

~Presants of everyone present.

To wrap this all up I want to bring it all in a shorter point. I started near the bottom, and stayed there for a while, and after I got through my marriage, I found the psychedelic realm, to which brought me to who I am today. How I see everything now is broken down into binary and with very little person added. We are constantly evolving as a whole, and as individuals. I have evolved into who I am from the dark areas of life, from physical, mental, and drug abuse all the way up to business owner and free thinker. I never wrote anything in my entire life, so this is a first, and it's written as adhd as I am. I'm not a writer, I'm a thinker, and when I think, I don't use words, just concepts, so when I write, it takes a lot for me to convert my thoughts into words. Me and my mind are 2 separate thinkers, I am the cake, and my mind is a binary calculator.

~I am, you are, we.

© Envelope Penelope