

Jealousy Destroys People's Lives
The emotion of jealousy can be quite potent and may significantly impact an individual's life. Unfortunately, there have been instances where it has led some people to commit terrible crimes. A recent case gaining attention is that of "Mahul Bhatnagar" from Jhodhpur, who was falsely accused by a classmate out of jealousy. This act was a result of a simple misunderstanding that escalated beyond measure. The accused was envious of Mehul's interactions with other girls, and when she learned of it, she felt betrayed. She then devised and executed a plan to frame him, resulting in his arrest and expulsion from school. It is saddening to see how jealousy can sometimes lead individuals down a dark and destructive path, causing harm to themselves and others. Therefore, it is vital to recognize and manage this emotion before it becomes destructive. We should all aim to cultivate empathy and kindness towards others, rather than giving in to jealousy and envy.

© Jaya Tripathi