

The Fashion Explosion (Part 3 of 6)
Detective Alec Green's Mystery Stories*

When Adira opened her eyes, she saw Alec was holding up the same solid pole that was about to crush them. Anjali was stooping down and trying to lift the pole that landed on Felix's hand. It was a bit too heavy for her and it slipped off her hand. This caused it to fall back on Felix's injured hand and Anjali screamed again. Felix quickly closed his eyes in pain.

-Oh that's where the scream came from- Adira thought to herself.

Adira could not stand to see Felix in pain. So she tried to open her mouth and speak, despite the pain and doctor's rules.

''Anjali, just stop! You're just hurting him more.'' She said and immediately Anjali stopped. They all stopped to look at Adira.

''Adira....'' Felix struggled to speak with the amount of pain he is in.

''Shhhh.....Felix don't say anything.'' Adira replied and then looked at Anjali.

''Anjali, it's best that I help you. It'll be better if two people give it a try.'' Adira said and Anjali agreed.

They both tried to lift the pole together. It was indeed heavy but with the both of them lifting it. They managed to lift it off Felix's hand and immediately Felix pulled his hand towards his chest. As soon as his hand was out of the way, both women dropped the pole and it landed on the floor.

Wasting no time, Adira grabbed Felix and pulled him from under the solid iron pole that Alec was still holding onto. They all moved out of the way and Alec ensured his safety before dropping it. He then rubbed his arms and shoulders while walking towards the others.

Adira then turned to look at Felix. She made him sit down on a clear part of the floor. Shifted her single strapped bag from behind her to her front. After digging inside of her bag, Adira pulled out her bottle of water and a fresh bandage that she kept for emergencies. Immediately, Adira cleaned Felix's wound and wrapped it.

Suddenly, there was noise coming from a distance and when they turned around to look. Someone in black began to run out and down the hallway. Adira threw back on her bag and they all ran after the culprit. Adira saw a nice sized piece of concrete amongst larger pieces. She quickly grabbed it and continued running after the culprit.

While chasing after the culprit, he tried to block their path to slow them down but it did not stop them. Until he shifted a broken piece of wood that was leaning on the wall. As soon as he moved it, the wood fell with some large broken pieces of concrete blocking their path.

They had nowhere to run and the culprit was getting away scot free. Alec and Anjali could not use their powers because the place was already falling apart.

''What are we going to do now? The culprit is getting away.'' Anjali said worriedly.

Adira then remembered that she picked up a piece of concrete from the floor earlier. Playing with it in her hand, Adira suddenly got an idea.

''Guys, I have an idea and it might work. I picked up this piece of concrete from the ground. If I pitch it like a ball at him perfectly, it'll hit him straight in the back of his head.'' Adira explained while showing them the piece of concrete.

Without wasting time, Adira angled her body and the piece of concrete. When she was sure to get the perfect angle, Anjali quickly threw the piece of concrete at him. The piece of concrete flew straight towards him and hit him in the back of his head.

They all cheered as the culprit stumbled backwards. Before the culprit could fall, a door swung open and hit the culprit in the back of his head. The culprit then fell forward, head first on the ground but they were unable to see it since the door was blocking their view.

''I hope that I didn't kill the man.'' Adira said, covering the lower half of her face. Felix then pulled Adira in for a hug.

''It's not your fault, honey.'' Felix said still hugging her and they stared at each other.

''Adira, my favorite photographer!'' The Fashion designer said. 

He was walking from the doorway and towards them smiling. Mike came out of the room and walked behind him.

''Are you guys alright?'' Adira asked.

''Yeah we're perfectly fine. We heard the explosions and hid under the table. We were really lucky that the room didn't collapse on us. If it did we'll be dead by now.'' Mike replied.

While they talked, Alec called the police officers to collect the culprit and to help free them from being trapped.

One hour later......

The police officers arrived and freed them from being trapped. Some officers were already checking to see if the culprit was still alive. Unfortunately he was pronounced dead on the spot. After those head blows, the culprit could not have survived it. Immediately, his body was placed on a stretcher and covered completely. Before he was placed in an ambulance that left with him. When Adira saw this, she wanted to cry but Felix hugged her and tried to calm her down.

''It's not your fault. We don't know how he died. It might not even be that concrete you pelt.'' Felix said to her. An officer walked towards them to give them the sad news.

''Alec and team, unfortunately for us the culprit had died on the spot. He fell and hit a piece of sharp loose concrete on the floor. We believe his skull got fractured causing him to die instantly. Due to this, we have to close the case. Even though there is evidence against him or maybe someone else who knows. We have no one to testify to this and even if the culprit was the only one behind it. We can't arrest him because he is dead. I hope you understand.'' The police officer explained.

''I understand. Please, do me a small favor. Keep the evidence and the dead corpse's clothing for me. At least hold it for a year so if anything pops up after hearing he's dead. We can use this evidence and reopen the case.'' Alec asked.

''Sure, I will keep it safe for you.'' The officer answered and then patted Alec on the shoulder before walking away.

''See, you didn't kill him.'' Felix said and continued to hug his wife.

.......to be continued.

© Copyright 2022 by Chelsea K. Jack. All rights reserved.