

Matcha and Resilience
"Positivity can only take you so far". I watched as he religiously prepared the tea, the earthy smell grounding the minds of the inhabitants in the room. It was just him and I, but somehow it felt like we had an unseen, but strongly felt audience.

I glanced at his striking beard. It looked like it also held wisdom, the greys being the lessons-beautiful and transformed. His wrinkles, were grooves that told a story. I wanted to learn more, to learn everything.

He took some deep breaths, and gave me my cup of tea. I held it in my hands gently, slightly nervous yet excited. How could something like a cup of tea make me feel such strong emotions? Years ago I would've laughed if you told me I'd be this way. And say "tea is just tea". Grateful for my transformations, and this tea I smelled it, before I took a sip.

The aroma, taste, and warmth along with the beauty of the teacup made me smile.
He was doing the same, in fact I learned from him, to enjoy the simple things.

He looked put his teacup down, and said "Positivity can only take you so far, what helps you the most is how fast you can jump"

I asked "what do you mean by jump"?

"Resilience, bounce back"

"We aren't meant to be idle for long, nor happy for long, but we are meant to move despite what emotions, it's ok to rest, but our homes are actually quite nomadic"

"Nomadic".. That word plays such a theme in my life.

He took another sip, and so did I. Pearls of wisdom given to me for free. And pearls I had to sort out and study. He gave me so much food for thought, or should I say tea for thought. I thanked him and heard him say "see you next week". I nodded in approval.

© Monarch94