

Hello and good morning, noon, day, evening and night all over the world 🌎. I LOVE all the nations dearly and I am in constant prayer for you all. I pray that your faith is getting stronger and it does not fail in Jesus name....Amen👀 ❤️🙏. I have a message in my spirit that came this morning. The message is called: "It's testing time!" Glory to God!

There comes a time in all of our lives that we have to take a series of tests. Some take tests because they are in school. They have to go over and study what they have learned in a specific course. There are those that are in college, they have to test as well to see if they can go to the next level of graduation. When it comes to the spiritual things, we also have to take tests. We have to be tried under fire and tested so that we can come out as pure Gold🥇🪙. Gold is refined in the fire! When you have gone through a tribulation period, you have been tested to see if you can stand the storms! The bible teaches us that the storms and wind may blow, but it will not destroy us or our lives if it is founded upon on a good foundation. Our foundation as christian believer's is Jesus Christ! The Holy Spirit is the comforter and keeper, he is the Spirit of Truth! He will not fail us! Right now the whole world is under a series of tests and there will be more to come! The main tests are Faith and Sanity! Whenever there is a pandemic or natural disaster, the word of God teaches us not to panic, but to immediately go into prayer and consecration. In this hour, you must be in prayer and consecration. Seek the face of our Lord Jesus Christ for answers. A lot of changes will take place in the earth realm that will cause the spirit realm to shift and shake! You must be steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the word of the Lord! You must trust God! You must be strong and of good courage, because he will strengthen thine heart! Be not afraid, THE KING IS HERE!!!!

© Sherene Niblet