

The doors
If there are three doors. One door is the past. The second door is the present. The third door is the further. But the extra door is the unknown. I won't go to the past. Been there before. I promise myself I won't go back to that place again. Only pain and suffering there. It took me a long time to find myself. Still grown as a person. There is so much to learn yet. Only time can give me straight. Now I am living in the present. It so much going on right. I feel like I am at war with myself. So much going on. Trying to spread everything. Full with stress and the unknown. Only soul knows what I going to drive inside of me. We can't change the present. We just have to learn from it. Life is always changing. We don't know what the further bring us. only we can see behind the future. I won't go back to the past. It won't be back to further. My destination is moving toward the further with porches good to be partial Papa hi there how are you doing okay send down watching TV no he attend I can't yeah a little bit not that bad no headache so far I'm going to act like I guess today in my heart was beating fast that does not like a panic attack but then I try to calm myself down. Try not to push me. Life tries to knock me down. I have to build myself up again. I fell so many times. I have scars to prove it. But my soul is strong. It gets stronger every day. There are many doors I can go drove. But there is only one I want to go drove. To see how far I go. Each day there is a challenge. I am so ready for the next chapter in my life. I tried all these negative things. Only God can heal me inside and outside. Don't know what the future brings me. Only God knows. I will open the door of the unknown. The unknown of the further. Time will bring me to the future. Every minute and every hour has a meaning. I have to take a slow and easy. Without stress and panic attacks. My heart is broken hast. God told me to take a deep breath and keep moving forward. Don't worry about yesterday. Just keep moving forward with a positive mind. Don't let me know if I fall. Just have to be patient and have faith that everything will be ok. The unknown and not knowing what tomorrow bring.it was the hardest thing I ever know. So many doors to the choice. Pick the right one for you. I won't pick the past. I am in the present. The further is unknown. There are two doors to walk drove. Further and unknown are my choice. Time to change the course of my journey. Moving forward and believing in yourself. #SecretDoor
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