

hey Society, Do Something Creative
"he has become Mentally Weak
due to hiding his Fear for a Long Time",
Doctor Told his parents.
his Parents Cried a Lot.
They Sat on the Hospital's Bench While Crying.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Boy's pov:_

He was afraid of Dogs Since Childhood,
but he didn't Show his fear to anyone,
he didn't Tell this to his Parents Even,
Not Only Dogs,
he was afraid of Birds too.

he always heard that
"Men are Brave,
They don't Show their Fear",
This Thing Made him Sick Mentally ,
he was Pressurised to Show his Fake Bravery.

Whenever, he used to See Dogs Or Birds,
he always hid his fear,
Deep inside,
he used to Die Everytime,

This Situation took him to the Hospital,
Doctor told his Family,
"he has become Mentally Weak
due to hiding his Fear for a Long Time".
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Parents pov:_

his Father & Mother Cried a Lot,
They Thought,
"Why did Society Set these Standards
for Men?
Why Can't a Man Show his Fear to his Loved Ones?
Coz of these Standards,
a Lot of Men are Suffering frOm Mental illness,
it's Okay,
if a Man has a Fear,
Every human has,
So What's Wrong With This?
Socity Should Do Something Creative
instead of Setting these Standards".

© ~I.B