

Fallen Star🌟
I hold my backpack in my hand
sitting at the doorstep of my father's house ,
knowing my father nor my sister weren't letting me in this late at night .
Life has always been tough for me,But nothing would have ever prepared me for the day I was kicked out of my home.It was like a bucket of water.Ever since my mom died my sister and dad acted as If I was a stranger .No matter how I tried to please them, They acted as if I was a burden weighing them down in life.
Now the only place for me to go was the streets.
I got a job although it wasn't so appropriate ,
Stripping, Eventually that didn't last long, Someone framed me for drugging them just because I didn't want to go above and beyond.
And just like that I was like a stray dog on the street,There I could see the disgust, The annoyance in people's eyes as I begged for some change. Some even ran away thinking I was gonna steal from them ,Those kind of people were my only entertainment. From other's faces I could see that they pitied me those were the only kind that gave me what they had so I could get something to eat.1week has gone by now ,A man came up to me and asked if I wanted a job as an extra in a movie ,In no time later I went from a extra ,a stunt double to an official actress. That man offered me to stay in an apartment for free if I continued working and when I am steady on my feet I could make my own decisions.
Two years have passed since that I have acted in 4 movies that got popular and I earned a quite vast amount of money in that time span.
I payed back the man who let me live for free,I gave some to charity and brought a house and is now living the life I never thought I could ever live."Ezra ,Erza" my boyfriend Chris of 6months called we had been going on strong until April 1st of 2024,I saw him texting another lady nudes and having inappropriate conversations, I found out recently he has also been giving her my money out of our shared bank account. I threaten to sue leading into a heated argument which ended tragic.
Lily's Pov :
I looked down at Chris laying lifeless at being shot by me.As I walked towards Ezra a burning rage and envy flooded my whole body ,As I heard her last word'Why'as she took her last breath .'Bye Bye sister 'I said in a monotone voice.New Reporting
Actress Ezra Wilson Born February 9,2001 died on April 1st 2024 Leaving sister and father behind.
The end.

'I dislike this story for some reason but I would like hear others critics about this'.~By Ms.Dae